Según la leyenda, Ulises fundó Lisboa y la llamó "Olisipo". Otros aseguran que el nombre es fenicio, pero todos concuerdan en que es uno de los destinos más fascinantes de Europa. El Día de Todos los Santos de 1755 un terremoto devastador destruyó gran parte de la ciudad. La Baixa (ciudad baja) fue reconstruida en un estilo neoclásico que sigue siendo el centro de la ciudad. La elegante "ciudad de los exploradores", sobre el río, ofrece numerosos barrios para descubrir. Recorra Alfama, donde las calles estrechas todavía conservan mucho de su ambiente moro. Pasee por Bairro Alto y escuche las melodías de la música fado de Portugal. Algunas de las excursiones a los lugares cercanos lo llevan al elegante palacio de Queluz del siglo XVIII y al Palacio Real de Sintra.

Puerto: Lisboa


All programs below may not be available on every sailing.

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    Become immersed in the joys of Lisbon by visiting the capital city’s most well-known attractions and neighborhoods, watching a traditional Fado performance and exploring palaces in the nearby foothills.

    DÍA 1

    After flying into the Lisbon airport, you will be met outside of customs and transferred to the Corinthia Hotel.

    Check in is 3pm and while every effort will be made to have rooms available earlier, this cannot be guaranteed.

    You can spend the remainder of the day settling in and enjoying the amenities of your hotel or perhaps venture into the city center.

    The hotel provides a free shuttle service between the hotel and Lisbon’s Restauradores Square from 9am to 6pm, every 30 minutes. The metro is also a short walk from the hotel.

    DÍA 2

    Enjoy breakfast before boarding a ‘tuk tuk’ (motorized rickshaw with three wheels) and embarking on a scenic drive towards the Belem Quarter, where you can admire the Monument of Discoveries, the Tower of Belém and Jeronimos Monastery. Continuing to downtown Lisbon, you will pass lovely Liberdade Avenue, the elegant shopping area of Chiado and the heart of the commercial area, Praça do Comércio and Alfama.

    Aviso: each tuk tuk has a local driver and seats for two guests. This mode of transport enables guests to see some of the narrow streets in the city’s most typical neighborhoods.

    Alfama takes its name from the Arabic Al-hamma, meaning fountains or baths. It contains many important historical attractions and traditional Fado restaurants along its narrow and winding streets. The medieval Castle of São Jorge overlooks the Alfama and offers one of the best views of the city.

    One of the highlights of this comprehensive city tour is visiting the Lisbon Cathedral, also known as the Sé. Although it looks like a medieval fortress, the interior is glorious and includes the font where St. Anthony of Padua was supposedly baptized in the 12th century.

    By midday, you will return to the hotel to spend the afternoon at your leisure, or you may remain in the city center and return on your own.

    The entertainment for the evening will be in the Café Luso. Here, you will enjoy a traditional Portuguese dinner and watch a Fado show. Fado is Portuguese folk music that is melancholy by nature and usually played on guitars and mandolins. The lyrics tend to be poetic and involve themes such as love and sadness.

    Following this authentic cultural experience, you will return to the hotel.

    DÍA 3

    After departing from the hotel, you will pass through some of Portugal’s most inspiring countryside on the way to Mafra. Here, at the revered Palace of Mafra, which was constructed of local limestone and marble in the 18th century, you will behold priceless art and period furnishings that were characteristic of the royal lifestyle. At one time, the palace also served as a Franciscan monastery.

    After visiting the extraordinary palace, you will continue even deeper into the countryside to the Adega Mãe, home to approximately 40 hectares of vineyards with a production capacity of somewhere near 1,5 million liters per year. In its cellar, white, red and rosé wines are produced. The productive infrastructure is equipped with modern and sophisticated machinery, combining cutting-edge technology and traditional approach.

    While touring this modern and architecturally innovative vineyard, you will get to know the white and red wine presses, the grandeur of the storage and fermentation tanks. Take a peek into the laboratory and visit the Time Room (“Sala do tempo”), where aromas combine with the scent of French Oak barrels; witness the repose of their Reserva, and finish things off with a tasting while you take in the views of the vineyard.

    Following lunch at the winery, you will return to the hotel along a spectacularly scenic coastal route. The remainder of the day and dinner will be on your own to enjoy as you please.

    Following lunch at the winery, you will return to the hotel along a spectacularly scenic coastal route. The remainder of the day and dinner will be on your own to enjoy as you please.

    DÍA 4

    After departing from the hotel, you will drive to Sintra, a beautiful town nestled in the forested foothills of the Sintra mountains. Your experience here begins with free time to wander about the atmospheric streets, enjoy the sweeping views and thoroughly relax.

    Not far away, you will find Pena Palace, a landmark that was built in the 19th century to be a royal summer home. Inside and out, it looks like an eccentric mix of different castle styles and features. Now hailed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Portugal’s Seven Wonders, the flamboyant palace exemplifies 19th-century Romantic architecture, inside and out.

    Following your tour of Pena Palace, you will return to Lisbon and embark the cruise ship.

    Detalles del Programa Terrestre Paso a Paso

    • El orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. Los horarios del programa son aproximados, se indican a modo de referencia general y están sujetos a cambios.

    • Los itinerarios con los detalles más actualizados se emitirán cuando usted reciba por correo electrónico los documentos finales del crucero 21 días antes de que comience la navegación. A continuación, recibirá un itinerario final de nuestro operador terrestre con una Carta de Bienvenida a su llegada o en el hotel. Revise detenidamente la carta y el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    • Los hoteles destinados para el programa terrestre serán los hoteles que figuran en este documento, a menos que se indique lo contrario antes de la fecha de comienzo del programa terrestre.

    • Los huéspedes que no lleguen el Día 1 según el programa terrestre programado se considerarán ausentes y se liberará su espacio en el hotel.

    Noches Adicionales

    •All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the hotel that is used on the FIRST NIGHT of your land program

    • Si reserva noches adicionales a través de la línea de cruceros, será recibido según los detalles del vuelo proporcionados y será trasladado a su hotel. El registro de entrada es a las 15:00 h (sujeto a cambios). Las comidas que no sean el desayuno, así como las actividades, corren por su cuenta hasta el día 2 del programa.

    • Si tiene un vuelo que llega temprano, es posible que desee reservar una noche adicional, ya que su habitación no estará lista para ocuparse hasta aproximadamente las 15:00 h.

    • Si reserva noches adicionales por su cuenta, los traslados no están incluidos.

    DÍA 1

    Arrive at the Lisbon airport

    Transfer to the hotel and spend the remainder of the day at your leisure

    Overnight at the Corinthia Hotel or similar hotel

    Encuentro y traslados

    • Los documentos finales del crucero se enviarán por correo electrónico 21 días antes de que comience la navegación. El número de teléfono del agente terrestre local estará en la página 1 si no puede ubicar al representante a su llegada. Tenga en cuenta que el representante puede estar ayudando a otros; y es posible que no esté a la vista cuando salga por primera vez de la Aduana y del área de reclamo de equipaje.

    • Busque a alguien que tenga un cartel con el logotipo de la línea de cruceros y posiblemente su nombre. En caso de duda, solicite al personal del aeropuerto que le indique el área de reunión para los traslados o que busque a nuestro representante.

    • El encuentro y los traslados se organizan para los huéspedes que lleguen el Día 1 de un programa terrestre o para noches adicionales reservadas a través de la línea de cruceros, y se organizan en función de los detalles del vuelo recibidos por los huéspedes al menos 14 días antes de que comience la navegación. Los huéspedes que lleguen de manera independiente antes de la fecha de comienzo del programa no tendrán el traslado incluido.

    • Si no hemos recibido los detalles de su vuelo o si sus vuelos han cambiado, y si no se notificó al Equipo Terrestre de Servicios en Destino, no se podrá brindar el traslado y los huéspedes serán responsables de llegar al hotel del programa terrestre a su cargo. Contacte de inmediato a nuestro Departamento de Reservas por cualquier cambio en el vuelo antes de la salida.

    DÍA 2

    8:00am Buffet breakfast

    9:30am Departure for Lisbon highlights – Tuk Tuk ride

    10:00am Visit Belem quarter and sample a traditional pastry (pastéis de nata)

    10:45am Stop at Principe Real, Bairro Alto, Chiado, Avenida da Liberdade, Rossio, Baixa and Mouraria, Graça passing by the Castelo

    12:00pm Continue to São Vicente, Alfama and a stop at the Sé cathedral

    12:30pm Return to the hotel or time at leisure at the city centre

    8:00pm Depart for dinner and Fado show at restaurant

    11:00pm Return to hotel

    Overnight at the Corinthia Hotel or similar hotel

    DÍA 3

    7:30am Buffet breakfast

    9:00am Departure for Mafra to visit the palace and convent

    11:30am Wine tasting at Adega Mãe Winery

    1:30pm Lunch at Adega Mãe

    3:45pm Proceed along the coast passing by Cascais and Estoril

    5:30pm Return to the hotel

    8:00pm Dinner on your own

    Overnight at the Corinthia Hotel or similar hotel

    DÍA 4

    7:30am Buffet breakfast

    9:00am Departure to Sintra to visit Pena Palace

    10:30am Free time in Sintra

    11:00am Proceed to Pena Palace for a visit and coffee break at Café Paris

    12:30pm Scenic drive along the coastline passing by Estoril

    1:00pm Drive back to Lisbon for embarkation

    Pronóstico del tiempo: In May and June, the weather is mild with temperatures around 24 Celsius (75 F); In summer, you can expect temperatures to be 30 Celsius (86 F) during the day. In October, temperatures can drop down to approximately 20 Celsius (68 F). In November, temperatures will be approximately 15 Celsius (59 F) with expected rain showers.

    Qué debe traer: Comfortable shoes and a jacket or sweater for cooler temperatures. Casual smart dress for dinners. An umbrella in case of rain.

    Moneda Local: The Euro

    Electricidad: 220 voltios. We recommend bringing a travel adaptor for electric devices.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa: Se requiere un pasaporte válido.


    Corinthia Hotel

    Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro 105, 1099-031 Lisboa, Portugal

    Teléfono: +351 21 723 6300

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified in advance. If you are not notified of changes before departure, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.

    El programa incluye:

    •3 nights at the Corinthia Hotel or similar - Deluxe Room

    •Buffet breakfast at hotel’s main restaurant

    •Pastel de Belem with one soft drink

    •Dinner on day 2 at typical Fado restaurant including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea, or coffee

    •Lunch on day 3 at Adega Mãe or similar winery in Mafra including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea, or coffee

    •Wine tasting on day 3

    •Pena Palace entrance fee

    •Coffee break at Café Paris

    Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: Los huéspedes que reservan sus propios vuelos (independientemente de cuál sea la línea de cruceros) son responsables de garantizar que la línea de cruceros tenga la información de llegada actualizada, para poder planificar su traslado. Si usted reserva noches adicionales por su cuenta, la línea de cruceros no proporcionará el traslado de llegada. Si no recibimos los detalles de vuelo con un mínimo de 14 días de antelación, no se proporcionarán los traslados.

    El programa no incluye:

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Meals or beverages not mentioned above

    • Servicios imprevistos del hotel, incluidos el minibar y el servicio a la habitación

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Aviso: Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda. Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los Programas Terrestres deben comprarse hasta 90 días antes de la fecha en que comienza la navegación. Las cancelaciones realizadas 90 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program. Los huéspedes que no lleguen el Día 1 según el programa terrestre se considerarán ausentes y se liberará su espacio en el hotel.


    Become immersed in the joys of Lisbon by visiting the capital city’s most well-known attractions and neighborhoods, watching a traditional Fado performance and exploring palaces in the nearby foothills.

    DÍA 1

    Following disembarkation from the ship in Lisbon you will pass through some of Portugal’s most inspiring countryside on the way to Mafra. Here, at the revered Palace of Mafra, which was constructed of local limestone and marble in the 18th Century, you will behold priceless art and period furnishings that were characteristic of the royal lifestyle. At one time, the palace also served as a Franciscan monastery.

    After visiting the extraordinary palace, you will continue even deeper into the countryside to the winery “Adega Mãe”: a temple built to honour wine. During the visit, you will know the production process of both white and red wines and be able to take a peek into the greatness of the storage and fermentation vats, the lab and go through the Time Room, where wines rest and aromas mix with the scent of the French oak barrels. At the end of the tour enjoy a tasting on the cellar’s noble room, with wide windows that provide an unforgettable view of the mountains of Socorro and Archeira.

    Following lunch at the winery, you will travel to your hotel along a spectacularly scenic coastal route. Following check in, the remainder of the day and dinner will be on your own to enjoy as you please.

    The hotel provides a free shuttle service between the hotel and Lisbon’s Restauradores Square from 9am to 6pm, every 30 minutes. The metro is also a short walk from the hotel.

    DÍA 2

    After departing from the hotel, you will enjoy a scenic Tuk Tuk drive (motorized rickshaw with 3 wheels) towards the Belem Quarter, where you can admire the Monument of Discoveries, the Tower of Belém and Jeronimos Monastery. Continuing on to downtown Lisbon, you will pass lovely Liberdade Avenue, the elegant shopping area of Chiado and the heart of the commercial area, Praça do Comércio and Alfama. Stop to taste the traditional pastry - pastéis de nata.

    Aviso: each tuk tuk has a local driver and seats for two guests. This mode of transport enables guests to see some of the narrow streets in the city’s most typical neighborhoods.

    Alfama takes its name from the Arabic Al-hamma, meaning fountains or baths. It contains many important historical attractions and traditional Fado restaurants along its narrow and winding streets. The medieval Castle of São Jorge overlooks the Alfama and offers one of the best views of the city.

    One of the highlights of this comprehensive city tour is visiting the Lisbon Cathedral, also known as the Sé. Although it looks like a medieval fortress, the interior is glorious and includes the font where St. Anthony of Padua was supposedly baptized in the 12th Century.

    By midday, you will return to the hotel and either relax or grab some lunch (on own).

    The entertainment for the evening will be at the “Café Luso”, here, you will enjoy a traditional Portuguese dinner and watch a Fado show. Fado is Portuguese folk music that is melancholy by nature and usually played on guitars and mandolins. The lyrics tend to be poetic and involve themes such as love and sadness.

    Following this authentic cultural experience, you will return to the hotel for the evening.

    DÍA 3

    After departing from the hotel, you will drive to Sintra, a beautiful town nestled in the forested foothills of the Sintra mountains. Your experience here begins with free time to wander about the atmospheric streets, enjoy the sweeping views and thoroughly relax.

    Not far away, you will find Pena Palace, a landmark that was built in the 19th century to be a royal summer home. Inside and out, it looks like an eccentric mix of different castle styles and features. Now hailed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Portugal’s Seven Wonders, the flamboyant palace exemplifies 19th-century Romantic architecture, inside and out.

    Following your tour of Pena Palace, return to your hotel where the remainder of the day is at your leisure. El almuerzo y la cena corren por su cuenta.

    DÍA 4

    Following breakfast and check-out you will be transferred to the Lisbon International Airport for your flight home. Transfers will be set up based on the flight details provided. For guests with late flights, luggage storage will be available at the hotel until your transfer.

    Detalles del Programa Terrestre Paso a Paso:

    • Aviso: el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. Todos los horarios del programa son aproximados, se indican a modo de referencia general y están sujetos a cambios.

    • Los itinerarios con los detalles más actualizados (hasta el momento) se emitirán usted cuando reciba por correo electrónico los documentos finales del crucero 21 días antes de que comience la navegación. El equipo de Servicios en Destino le proporcionará los itinerarios finales con los detalles más actualizados una vez que usted esté a bordo del barco. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    • Los hoteles destinados para el programa terrestre serán los hoteles que figuran en este documento, a menos que se indique lo contrario antes de la fecha de comienzo del programa terrestre.

    • El traslado de salida no está incluido si los huéspedes salen antes del último día del programa.

    DÍA 1

    8:30am Disembark the ship in Lisbon

    9:30am Departure for Mafra to visit the palace and convent

    11:30am Wine tasting at Adega Mãe

    1:30pm Lunch at Adega Mãe

    3:45pm Proceed along the coast passing by Cascais and Estoril

    5:30pm Check in to your hotel

    8:00pm Dinner on your own

    Overnight at the Corinthia Hotel or similar

    DÍA 2

    7:30am Buffet breakfast

    9:00am Departure for Lisbon highlights – Tuk Tuk ride

    10:00am Visit Belem quarter and sample a traditional pastry (pastéis de nata)

    10:45am Stop at Principe Real, Bairro Alto, Chiado, Avenida da Liberdade, Rossio, Baixa and Mouraria, Graça passing by Castelo

    12:00pm Continue to São Vicente, Alfama and a stop at the Sé cathedral

    12:30pm Return to your hotel - time at leisure and lunch on own

    8:00pm Depart for dinner and Fado show at restaurant

    11:00pm Return to hotel

    Overnight at the Corinthia Hotel or similar

    DÍA 3

    7:30am Buffet breakfast

    9:00am Departure for Sintra

    10:30am Free time in Sintra

    11:00am Visit Pena Palace (National Palace)

    11:30am Coffee break at Café Paris

    12:30pm Scenic drive along the coastline passing by Estoril

    1:00pm Drive back to Lisbon and return to your hotel

    Tarde y noche libre. Almuerzo y cena por su cuenta

    Overnight at the Corinthia Hotel or similar

    DÍA 4

    From 7:00am Buffet breakfast at the hotel

    12:00pm Hotel check out

    TBA Transfer to the Lisbon International Airport based on your flight details

    Noches Adicionales:

    •All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the same hotel used on the LAST NIGHT of your program.

    •When you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. El horario del registro de salida es a las 12:00 h (sujeto a cambios). Las comidas que no sean el desayuno corren por su cuenta después del Día 4 del programa.

    Traslados: Todos los huéspedes que reserven sus vuelos de manera independiente deben asegurarse de que la línea de cruceros tenga los detalles de la fecha de su vuelo más actualizados para que se puedan organizar los traslados al aeropuerto. Si no se reciben los detalles del vuelo 14 días antes de la fecha de comienzo del crucero, no se organizarán los traslados.

    Si reserva noches adicionales por su cuenta o si su vuelo no se realiza el último día del programa, los traslados no estarán incluidos.

    Si tiene un vuelo que sale tarde, es posible que desee reservar una noche adicional para ocupar la habitación hasta su salida. Se le pedirá que desaloje la habitación a las 12:00 h. Las habitaciones diurnas solo se pueden comprar directamente a través del hotel.

    Pronóstico del tiempo: In May and June the weather is mild with temperatures around 24° Celsius (75° F). In the summer months you can expect it to typically be 30° Celsius (86° F) during the day. In October the temperatures can drop down to approximately 20° Celsius (68° F) and finally in November the temperature will be approximately 15° Celsius (59° F) with expected rain showers.

    Qué debe traer: Comfortable shoes and a jacket or sweater for cooler temperatures. Casual smart dress for dinners. An umbrella in case of rain.

    Moneda Local: The Euro

    Electricidad: 220 voltios. We recommend bringing a travel adaptor for electric devices.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa: Se requiere un pasaporte válido.


    Corinthia Hotel

    Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro 105, 1099-031 Lisboa, Portugal

    Teléfono: +351 21 723 6300

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified in advance. If you are not notified of changes before departure, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.

    Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel, 24 hours a day. You may also enjoy the indoor and outdoor swimming pool, sauna, gym and steam bath free of charge.

    El programa incluye:

    •3 nights at the Corinthia Hotel or similar – Deluxe Room

    •Buffet breakfast at hotel’s main restaurant

    •Pastel de Belem with one soft drink

    •Dinner on day 2 at typical Fado restaurant including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea or coffee

    •Lunch on day 1 at Adega Mãe or similar winery in Mafra including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea or coffee

    •Wine tasting on day 1

    •Pena Palace entrance fee

    •Coffee break at Cafe Paris

    Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: Los huéspedes que reservan sus propios vuelos, independientemente de cuál sea la línea de cruceros, son responsables de garantizar que la línea de cruceros tenga la información de salida actualizada, para poder planificar su traslado. Si reserva noches adicionales por su cuenta, la línea de cruceros no proporcionará el traslado de salida. Si no recibimos los detalles de vuelo con un mínimo de 14 días de antelación, no se proporcionarán los traslados.

    El programa no incluye:

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Meals or beverages not mentioned above

    • Servicios imprevistos del hotel, incluidos el minibar y el servicio a la habitación

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Aviso: Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda. Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los Programas Terrestres deben comprarse hasta 90 días antes de la fecha en que comienza la navegación. Las cancelaciones realizadas 90 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.


    Become immersed in the joys of Lisbon by visiting the capital city’s most well-known attractions and neighborhoods, watching a traditional Fado performance and exploring palaces in the nearby foothills.

    DÍA 1

    After flying into the Lisbon airport, you will be met outside of customs and transferred to the Intercontinental Hotel.

    Check in is 3pm and while every effort will be made to have rooms available earlier, this cannot be guaranteed.

    You can spend the remainder of the day settling in and enjoying the amenities of your resort or perhaps venture into the city center which is close by.

    DÍA 2

    Enjoy breakfast before boarding a ‘tuk tuk’ (motorized rickshaw with three wheels) and embarking on a scenic drive towards the Belem Quarter, where you can admire the Monument of Discoveries, the Tower of Belém and Jeronimos Monastery. Continuing to downtown Lisbon, you will pass lovely Liberdade Avenue, the elegant shopping area of Chiado and the heart of the commercial area, Praça do Comércio and Alfama.

    Aviso: each tuk tuk has a local driver and seats for two guests. This mode of transport enables guests to see some of the narrow streets in the city’s most typical neighborhoods.

    Alfama takes its name from the Arabic Al-hamma, meaning fountains or baths. It contains many important historical attractions and traditional Fado restaurants along its narrow and winding streets. The medieval Castle of São Jorge overlooks the Alfama and offers one of the best views of the city.

    One of the highlights of this comprehensive city tour is visiting the Lisbon Cathedral, also known as the Sé. Although it looks like a medieval fortress, the interior is glorious and includes the font where St. Anthony of Padua was supposedly baptized in the 12th century.

    By midday, you will return to the hotel to spend the afternoon at your leisure, or you may remain in the city center and return on your own.

    The entertainment for the evening will be in the Café Luso. Here, you will enjoy a traditional Portuguese dinner and watch a Fado show. Fado is Portuguese folk music that is melancholy by nature and usually played on guitars and mandolins. The lyrics tend to be poetic and involve themes such as love and sadness.

    Following this authentic cultural experience, you will return to the hotel.

    DÍA 3

    After departing from the hotel, you will pass through some of Portugal’s most inspiring countryside on the way to Mafra. Here, at the revered Palace of Mafra, which was constructed of local limestone and marble in the 18th century, you will behold priceless art and period furnishings that were characteristic of the royal lifestyle. At one time, the palace also served as a Franciscan monastery.

    After visiting the extraordinary palace, you will continue even deeper into the countryside to the Adega Mãe, home to approximately 40 hectares of vineyards with a production capacity of somewhere near 1,5 million liters per year. In its cellar, white, red and rosé wines are produced. The productive infrastructure is equipped with modern and sophisticated machinery, combining cutting-edge technology and traditional approach.

    While touring this modern and architecturally innovative vineyard, you will get to know the white and red wine presses, the grandeur of the storage and fermentation tanks. Take a peek into the laboratory and visit the Time Room (“Sala do tempo”), where aromas combine with the scent of French Oak barrels; witness the repose of their Reserva, and finish things off with a tasting while you take in the views of the vineyard.

    Following lunch at the winery, you will return to the hotel along a spectacularly scenic coastal route. The remainder of the day and dinner will be on your own to enjoy as you please.

    Following lunch at the winery, you will return to the hotel along a spectacularly scenic coastal route. The remainder of the day and dinner will be on your own to enjoy as you please.

    DÍA 4

    After departing from the hotel, you will drive to Sintra, a beautiful town nestled in the forested foothills of the Sintra mountains. Your experience here begins with free time to wander about the atmospheric streets, enjoy the sweeping views and thoroughly relax.

    Not far away, you will find Pena Palace, a landmark that was built in the 19th century to be a royal summer home. Inside and out, it looks like an eccentric mix of different castle styles and features. Now hailed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Portugal’s Seven Wonders, the flamboyant palace exemplifies 19th-century Romantic architecture, inside and out.

    Following your tour of Pena Palace, you will return to Lisbon and embark the cruise ship.

    Detalles del Programa Terrestre Paso a Paso

    • El orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. Los horarios del programa son aproximados, se indican a modo de referencia general y están sujetos a cambios.

    • Los itinerarios con los detalles más actualizados se emitirán cuando usted reciba por correo electrónico los documentos finales del crucero 21 días antes de que comience la navegación. A continuación, recibirá un itinerario final de nuestro operador terrestre con una Carta de Bienvenida a su llegada o en el hotel. Revise detenidamente la carta y el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    • Los hoteles destinados para el programa terrestre serán los hoteles que figuran en este documento, a menos que se indique lo contrario antes de la fecha de comienzo del programa terrestre.

    • Los huéspedes que no lleguen el Día 1 según el programa terrestre programado se considerarán ausentes y se liberará su espacio en el hotel.

    Noches Adicionales

    •All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the hotel that is used on the FIRST NIGHT of your land program

    • Si reserva noches adicionales a través de la línea de cruceros, será recibido según los detalles del vuelo proporcionados y será trasladado a su hotel. El registro de entrada es a las 15:00 h (sujeto a cambios). Las comidas que no sean el desayuno, así como las actividades, corren por su cuenta hasta el día 2 del programa.

    • Si tiene un vuelo que llega temprano, es posible que desee reservar una noche adicional, ya que su habitación no estará lista para ocuparse hasta aproximadamente las 15:00 h.

    • Si reserva noches adicionales por su cuenta, los traslados no están incluidos.

    DÍA 1

    Arrive at the Lisbon airport

    Transfer to the hotel and spend the remainder of the day at your leisure

    Overnight at the Intercontinental Hotel or similar hotel

    Encuentro y traslados

    • Los documentos finales del crucero se enviarán por correo electrónico 21 días antes de que comience la navegación. El número de teléfono del agente terrestre local estará en la página 1 si no puede ubicar al representante a su llegada. Tenga en cuenta que el representante puede estar ayudando a otros; y es posible que no esté a la vista cuando salga por primera vez de la Aduana y del área de reclamo de equipaje.

    • Busque a alguien que tenga un cartel con el logotipo de la línea de cruceros y posiblemente su nombre. En caso de duda, solicite al personal del aeropuerto que le indique el área de reunión para los traslados o que busque a nuestro representante.

    • El encuentro y los traslados se organizan para los huéspedes que lleguen el Día 1 de un programa terrestre o para noches adicionales reservadas a través de la línea de cruceros, y se organizan en función de los detalles del vuelo recibidos por los huéspedes al menos 14 días antes de que comience la navegación. Los huéspedes que lleguen de manera independiente antes de la fecha de comienzo del programa no tendrán el traslado incluido.

    • Si no hemos recibido los detalles de su vuelo o si sus vuelos han cambiado, y si no se notificó al Equipo Terrestre de Servicios en Destino, no se podrá brindar el traslado y los huéspedes serán responsables de llegar al hotel del programa terrestre a su cargo. Contacte de inmediato a nuestro Departamento de Reservas por cualquier cambio en el vuelo antes de la salida.

    DÍA 2

    8:00am Buffet breakfast

    9:30am Departure for Lisbon highlights – Tuk Tuk ride

    10:00am Visit Belem quarter and sample a traditional pastry (pastéis de nata)

    10:45am Stop at Principe Real, Bairro Alto, Chiado, Avenida da Liberdade, Rossio, Baixa and Mouraria, Graça passing by the Castelo

    12:00pm Continue to São Vicente, Alfama and a stop at the Sé cathedral

    12:30pm Return to the hotel or time at leisure at the city centre

    8:00pm Depart for dinner and Fado show at restaurant

    11:00pm Return to hotel

    Overnight at the Intercontinental Hotel or similar hotel.

    DÍA 3

    7:30am Buffet breakfast

    9:00am Departure for Mafra to visit the palace and convent

    11:30am Wine tasting at Adega Mãe Winery

    1:30pm Lunch at Adega Mãe

    3:45pm Proceed along the coast passing by Cascais and Estoril

    5:30pm Return to the hotel

    8:00pm Dinner on your own

    Overnight at the Intercontinental Hotel or similar hotel.

    DÍA 4

    7:30am Buffet breakfast

    9:00am Departure to Sintra to visit Pena Palace

    10:30am Free time in Sintra

    11:00am Proceed to Pena Palace for a visit and coffee break at Café Paris

    12:30pm Scenic drive along the coastline passing by Estoril

    1:00pm Drive back to Lisbon for embarkation

    Pronóstico del tiempo: In May and June, the weather is mild with temperatures around 24 Celsius (75 F); In summer, you can expect temperatures to be 30 Celsius (86 F) during the day. In October, temperatures can drop down to approximately 20 Celsius (68 F). In November, temperatures will be approximately 15 Celsius (59 F) with expected rain showers.

    Qué debe traer: Comfortable shoes and a jacket or sweater for cooler temperatures. Casual smart dress for dinners. An umbrella in case of rain.

    Moneda Local: The Euro

    Electricidad: 220 voltios. We recommend bringing a travel adaptor for electric devices.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa: Se requiere un pasaporte válido.


    Intercontinental Hotel Lisbon

    R. Castilho 149, 1099-034 Lisboa, Portugal

    Teléfono: +351 21 381 8700

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified in advance. If you are not notified of changes before departure, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.

    El programa incluye:

    •3 nights at the Intercontinental Hotel or similar – Classic Room

    •Buffet breakfast at hotel’s main restaurant

    •Pastel de Belem with one soft drink

    •Dinner on day 2 at typical Fado restaurant including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea, or coffee

    •Lunch on day 3 at Adega Mãe or similar winery in Mafra including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea, or coffee

    •Wine tasting on day 3

    •Pena Palace entrance fee

    •Coffee break at Café Paris

    Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: Los huéspedes que reservan sus propios vuelos (independientemente de cuál sea la línea de cruceros) son responsables de garantizar que la línea de cruceros tenga la información de llegada actualizada, para poder planificar su traslado. Si usted reserva noches adicionales por su cuenta, la línea de cruceros no proporcionará el traslado de llegada. Si no recibimos los detalles de vuelo con un mínimo de 14 días de antelación, no se proporcionarán los traslados.

    El programa no incluye:

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Meals or beverages not mentioned above

    • Servicios imprevistos del hotel, incluidos el minibar y el servicio a la habitación

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Aviso: Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda. Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los Programas Terrestres deben comprarse hasta 90 días antes de la fecha en que comienza la navegación. Las cancelaciones realizadas 90 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program. Los huéspedes que no lleguen el Día 1 según el programa terrestre se considerarán ausentes y se liberará su espacio en el hotel.


    Become immersed in the joys of Lisbon by visiting the capital city’s most well-known attractions and neighborhoods, watching a traditional Fado performance and exploring palaces in the nearby foothills.

    DÍA 1

    After flying into the Lisbon airport, you will be met outside of customs and transferred to the Olissippo Lapa Palace Hotel, an urban oasis tucked away on a hilltop in one of Lisbon’s most exclusive neighborhoods. Check in is 3pm and while every effort will be made to have rooms available earlier, this cannot be guaranteed.

    You will spend the remainder of the day settling in and enjoying the amenities of this luxurious resort, which was once the private residence of the Count of Valencas. Lapa Palace Hotel is conveniently located within easy reach of Lisbon’s attractions, if you wish to explore the city or shop on your own before retiring for the evening.

    Your river and garden-view room in the hotel’s garden wing will have a balcony that presents views of Lisbon’s downtown, the Tagus River and the hotel pool and garden.

    DÍA 2

    Enjoy breakfast before boarding a ‘tuk tuk’ (motorized rickshaw with three wheels) and embarking on a scenic drive towards the Belem Quarter, where you can admire the Monument of Discoveries, the Tower of Belém and Jeronimos Monastery. Continuing to downtown Lisbon, you will pass lovely Liberdade Avenue, the elegant shopping area of Chiado and the heart of the commercial area, Praça do Comércio and Alfama.

    Aviso: each tuk tuk has a local driver and seats for four guests. This mode of transport enables guests to see some of the narrow streets in the city’s most typical neighborhoods.

    Alfama takes its name from the Arabic Al-hamma, meaning fountains or baths. It contains many important historical attractions and traditional Fado restaurants along its narrow and winding streets. The medieval Castle of São Jorge overlooks the Alfama and offers one of the best views of the city.

    One of the highlights of this comprehensive city tour is visiting the Lisbon Cathedral, also known as the Sé. Although it looks like a medieval fortress, the interior is glorious and includes the font where St. Anthony of Padua was supposedly baptized in the 12th century.

    By midday, you will return to the hotel to spend the afternoon at your leisure, or you may remain in the city center and return on your own.

    The entertainment for the evening will be in the Café Luso. Here, you will enjoy a traditional Portuguese dinner and watch a Fado show. Fado is Portuguese folk music that is melancholy by nature and usually played on guitars and mandolins. The lyrics tend to be poetic and involve themes such as love and sadness.

    Following this authentic cultural experience, you will return to the hotel.

    DÍA 3

    After departing from the hotel, you will pass through some of Portugal’s most inspiring countryside on the way to Mafra. Here, at the revered Palace of Mafra, which was constructed of local limestone and marble in the 18th century, you will behold priceless art and period furnishings that were characteristic of the royal lifestyle. At one time, the palace also served as a Franciscan monastery.

    After visiting the extraordinary palace, you will continue even deeper into the countryside to the Adega Mãe, home to approximately 40 hectares of vineyards with a production capacity of somewhere near 1,5 million liters per year. In its cellar, white, red and rosé wines are produced. The productive infrastructure is equipped with modern and sophisticated machinery, combining cutting-edge technology and traditional approach.

    While touring this modern and architecturally innovative vineyard, you will get to know the white and red wine presses, the grandeur of the storage and fermentation tanks. Take a peek into the laboratory and visit the Time Room (“Sala do tempo”), where aromas combine with the scent of French Oak barrels; witness the repose of their Reserva, and finish things off with a tasting while you take in the views of the vineyard.

    Following lunch at the winery, you will return to the hotel along a spectacularly scenic coastal route. The remainder of the day and dinner will be on your own to enjoy as you please.

    Following lunch at the winery, you will return to the hotel along a spectacularly scenic coastal route. The remainder of the day and dinner will be on your own to enjoy as you please.

    DÍA 4

    After departing from the hotel, you will drive to Sintra, a beautiful town nestled in the forested foothills of the Sintra mountains. Your experience here begins with free time to wander about the atmospheric streets, enjoy the sweeping views and thoroughly relax.

    Not far away, you will find Pena Palace, a landmark that was built in the 19th century to be a royal summer home. Inside and out, it looks like an eccentric mix of different castle styles and features. Now hailed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Portugal’s Seven Wonders, the flamboyant palace exemplifies 19th-century Romantic architecture, inside and out.

    Following your tour of Pena Palace, you will return to Lisbon and embark the cruise ship.

    Detalles del Programa Terrestre Paso a Paso

    • El orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. Los horarios del programa son aproximados, se indican a modo de referencia general y están sujetos a cambios.

    • Los itinerarios con los detalles más actualizados se emitirán cuando usted reciba por correo electrónico los documentos finales del crucero 21 días antes de que comience la navegación. A continuación, recibirá un itinerario final de nuestro operador terrestre con una Carta de Bienvenida a su llegada o en el hotel. Revise detenidamente la carta y el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    • Los hoteles destinados para el programa terrestre serán los hoteles que figuran en este documento, a menos que se indique lo contrario antes de la fecha de comienzo del programa terrestre.

    • Los huéspedes que no lleguen el Día 1 según el programa terrestre programado se considerarán ausentes y se liberará su espacio en el hotel.

    Noches Adicionales

    • Si reserva noches adicionales a través de la línea de cruceros, será recibido según los detalles del vuelo proporcionados y será trasladado a su hotel. El registro de entrada es a las 15:00 h (sujeto a cambios). Las comidas que no sean el desayuno, así como las actividades, corren por su cuenta hasta el día 2 del programa.

    • Si tiene un vuelo que llega temprano, es posible que desee reservar una noche adicional, ya que su habitación no estará lista para ocuparse hasta aproximadamente las 15:00 h.

    • Si reserva noches adicionales por su cuenta, los traslados no están incluidos.

    DÍA 1

    Arrive at the Lisbon airport.

    Transfer to the hotel and spend the remainder of the day at your leisure.

    Hotel check in time is at 3:00pm.

    Overnight at the Olissippo Lapa Palace hotel or similar hotel.

    Encuentro y traslados

    • Los documentos finales del crucero se enviarán por correo electrónico 21 días antes de que comience la navegación. El número de teléfono del agente terrestre local estará en la página 1 si no puede ubicar al representante a su llegada. Tenga en cuenta que el representante puede estar ayudando a otros; y es posible que no esté a la vista cuando salga por primera vez de la Aduana y del área de reclamo de equipaje.

    • Busque a alguien que tenga un cartel con el logotipo de la línea de cruceros y posiblemente su nombre. En caso de duda, solicite al personal del aeropuerto que le indique el área de reunión para los traslados o que busque a nuestro representante.

    • El encuentro y los traslados se organizan para los huéspedes que lleguen el Día 1 de un programa terrestre o para noches adicionales reservadas a través de la línea de cruceros, y se organizan en función de los detalles del vuelo recibidos por los huéspedes al menos 14 días antes de que comience la navegación. Los huéspedes que lleguen de manera independiente antes de la fecha de comienzo del programa no tendrán el traslado incluido.

    • Si no hemos recibido los detalles de su vuelo o si sus vuelos han cambiado, y si no se notificó al Equipo Terrestre de Servicios en Destino, no se podrá brindar el traslado y los huéspedes serán responsables de llegar al hotel del programa terrestre a su cargo. Contacte de inmediato a nuestro Departamento de Reservas por cualquier cambio en el vuelo antes de la salida.

    DÍA 2

    8:00am Buffet breakfast

    9:30am Departure for Lisbon highlights – Tuk Tuk ride

    10:00am Visit Belem quarter and sample a traditional pastry (pastéis de nata)

    10:45am Stop at Principe Real, Bairro Alto, Chiado, Avenida da Liberdade, Rossio, Baixa and Mouraria, Graça passing by the Castelo

    12:00pm Continue to São Vicente, Alfama and a stop at the Sé cathedral

    12:30pm Return to the hotel or time at leisure at the city centre

    8:00pm Depart for dinner and Fado show at restaurant

    11:00pm Return to hotel

    Overnight at the Olissippo Lapa Palace hotel or similar hotel

    DÍA 3

    7:30am Buffet breakfast

    9:00am Departure for Mafra to visit the palace and convent

    11:30am Wine tasting at Adega Mãe Winery

    1:30pm Lunch at Adega Mãe

    3:45pm Proceed along the coast passing by Cascais and Estoril

    5:30pm Return to the hotel

    8:00pm Dinner on your own

    Overnight at the Olissippo Lapa Palace hotel or similar hotel

    DÍA 4

    7:30am Buffet breakfast

    9:00am Departure to Sintra to visit Pena Palace

    10:30am Free time in Sintra

    11:00am Proceed to Pena Palace for a visit and coffee break at Café Paris

    12:30pm Scenic drive along the coastline passing by Estoril

    1:00pm Drive back to Lisbon for embarkation

    Pronóstico del tiempo: In May and June, the weather is mild with temperatures around 24 Celsius (75 F); In summer, you can expect temperatures to be 30 Celsius (86 F) during the day. In October, temperatures can drop down to approximately 20 Celsius (68 F). In November, temperatures will be approximately 15 Celsius (59 F) with expected rain showers.

    Qué debe traer: Comfortable shoes and a jacket or sweater for cooler temperatures. Casual smart dress for dinners. An umbrella in case of rain.

    Moneda Local: The Euro

    Electricidad: 220 voltios. We recommend bringing a travel adaptor for electric devices.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa: Se requiere un pasaporte válido.


    Olissippo Lapa Palace Hotel

    Rua do Pau da Bandeira, nº 4. ZIP Code: 1249-021

    Lisboa, Portugal

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified in advance. If you are not notified of changes before departure, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.

    Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel, 24 hours a day. You may also enjoy the indoor and outdoor swimming pool, sauna, gym and steam bath free of charge.

    El programa incluye:

    •3 nights at the Olissippo Lapa Palace Hotel or similar – Garden and River-view room

    •Buffet breakfast at hotel’s main restaurant

    •Pastel de Belem with one soft drink

    •Dinner on day 2 at typical Fado restaurant including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea, or coffee

    •Lunch on day 3 at Adega Mãe or similar winery in Mafra including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea, or coffee

    •Wine tasting on day 3

    •Pena Palace fast track entrance fee

    •Coffee break at Café Paris

    •Whisper headsets for groups of ten guests or more

    Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: Los huéspedes que reservan sus propios vuelos (independientemente de cuál sea la línea de cruceros) son responsables de garantizar que la línea de cruceros tenga la información de llegada actualizada, para poder planificar su traslado. Si usted reserva noches adicionales por su cuenta, la línea de cruceros no proporcionará el traslado de llegada. Si no recibimos los detalles de vuelo con un mínimo de 14 días de antelación, no se proporcionarán los traslados.

    El programa no incluye:

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Meals or beverages not mentioned above

    • Servicios imprevistos del hotel, incluidos el minibar y el servicio a la habitación

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Aviso: Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda. Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los Programas Terrestres deben comprarse hasta 90 días antes de la fecha en que comienza la navegación. Las cancelaciones realizadas 90 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program. Los huéspedes que no lleguen el Día 1 según el programa terrestre se considerarán ausentes y se liberará su espacio en el hotel.


    Become immersed in the joys of Lisbon by visiting the capital city’s most well-known attractions and neighborhoods, watching a traditional Fado performance and exploring palaces in the nearby foothills.

    DÍA 1

    Following disembarkation from the ship in Lisbon you will pass through some of Portugal’s most inspiring countryside on the way to Mafra. Here, at the revered Palace of Mafra, which was constructed of local limestone and marble in the 18th Century, you will behold priceless art and period furnishings that were characteristic of the royal lifestyle. At one time, the palace also served as a Franciscan monastery.

    After visiting the extraordinary palace, you will continue even deeper into the countryside to the winery “Adega Mãe”: a temple built to honour wine. During the visit, you will know the production process of both white and red wines and be able to take a peek into the greatness of the storage and fermentation vats, the lab and go through the Time Room, where wines rest and aromas mix with the scent of the French oak barrels. At the end of the tour enjoy a tasting on the cellar’s noble room, with wide windows that provide an unforgettable view of the mountains of Socorro and Archeira.

    Following lunch at the winery, you will drive to your hotel along a spectacularly scenic coastal route. After check in, the remainder of the day and dinner will be on your own to enjoy as you please.

    DÍA 2

    After departing from the hotel, you will enjoy a scenic Tuk Tuk drive (motorized rickshaw with 3 wheels) towards the Belem Quarter, where you can admire the Monument of Discoveries, the Tower of Belém and Jeronimos Monastery. Continuing on to downtown Lisbon, you will pass lovely Liberdade Avenue, the elegant shopping area of Chiado and the heart of the commercial area, Praça do Comércio and Alfama. Stop to taste the traditional pastry - pastéis de nata.

    Aviso: each tuk tuk has a local driver and seats for four guests. This mode of transport enables guests to see some of the narrow streets in the city’s most typical neighborhoods.

    Alfama takes its name from the Arabic Al-hamma, meaning fountains or baths. It contains many important historical attractions and traditional Fado restaurants along its narrow and winding streets. The medieval Castle of São Jorge overlooks the Alfama and offers one of the best views of the city.

    One of the highlights of this comprehensive city tour is visiting the Lisbon Cathedral, also known as the Sé. Although it looks like a medieval fortress, the interior is glorious and includes the font where St. Anthony of Padua was supposedly baptized in the 12th Century.

    By midday, you will return to the hotel to either relax or grab some lunch (on own). Enjoy the amenities of your luxurious resort, which was once the private residence of the Count of Valencas. Lapa Palace Hotel is conveniently located within easy reach of Lisbon’s attractions.

    Your river and garden view room in the hotel’s garden wing will have a balcony that presents views of Lisbon’s downtown, the Tagus River and the hotel pool and garden.

    The entertainment for the evening will be at the “Café Luso”, here, you will enjoy a traditional Portuguese dinner and watch a Fado show. Fado is Portuguese folk music that is melancholy by nature and usually played on guitars and mandolins. The lyrics tend to be poetic and involve themes such as love and sadness.

    Following this authentic cultural experience, you will return to the hotel for the evening.

    DÍA 3

    After departing from the hotel, you will drive to Sintra, a beautiful town nestled in the forested foothills of the Sintra mountains. Your experience here begins with free time to wander about the atmospheric streets, enjoy the sweeping views and thoroughly relax.

    Not far away, you will find Pena Palace, a landmark that was built in the 19th century to be a royal summer home. Inside and out, it looks like an eccentric mix of different castle styles and features. Now hailed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Portugal’s Seven Wonders, the flamboyant palace exemplifies 19th-century Romantic architecture, inside and out.

    Following your tour of Pena Palace, return to your hotel where the remainder of the day is at your leisure. El almuerzo y la cena corren por su cuenta.

    DÍA 4

    Following breakfast and check-out you will be transferred to the Lisbon International Airport for your flight home. Transfers will be set up based on the flight details provided. Check out time at the hotel is at 12:00pm. For guests with late flights, luggage storage will be available at the hotel until your transfer.

    Detalles del Programa Terrestre Paso a Paso:

    • Aviso: el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. Todos los horarios del programa son aproximados, se indican a modo de referencia general y están sujetos a cambios.

    • Los itinerarios con los detalles más actualizados (hasta el momento) se emitirán usted cuando reciba por correo electrónico los documentos finales del crucero 21 días antes de que comience la navegación. El equipo de Servicios en Destino le proporcionará los itinerarios finales con los detalles más actualizados una vez que usted esté a bordo del barco. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    • Los hoteles destinados para el programa terrestre serán los hoteles que figuran en este documento, a menos que se indique lo contrario antes de la fecha de comienzo del programa terrestre.

    • El traslado de salida no está incluido si los huéspedes salen antes del último día del programa.

    DÍA 1

    8:30am Disembark the ship in Lisbon

    9:30am Departure for Mafra to visit the palace and convent

    11:30am Wine tasting at Adega Mãe

    1:30pm Lunch at Adega Mãe

    3:45pm Proceed along the coast passing by Cascais and Estoril

    5:30pm Check in at your hotel

    8:00pm Dinner on your own

    Overnight at the Olissippo Lapa Palace hotel or similar hotel

    DÍA 2

    7:30am Buffet breakfast

    9:00am Departure for Lisbon highlights – Tuk Tuk ride

    10:00am Visit Belem quarter and sample a traditional pastry (pastéis de nata)

    10:45am Stop at Principe Real, Bairro Alto, Chiado, Avenida da Liberdade, Rossio, Baixa and Mouraria, Graça passing by Castelo

    12:00pm Continue to São Vicente, Alfama and a stop at the Sé cathedral

    12:30pm Return to your hotel, time at leisure, lunch on own

    8:00pm Depart for dinner and Fado show at restaurant

    11:00pm Return to hotel

    Overnight at the Olissippo Lapa Palace hotel or similar hotel

    DÍA 3

    7:30am Buffet breakfast

    9:00am Departure for Sintra

    10:30am Free time in Sintra

    11:00am Visit Pena Palace (National Palace)

    11:30am Coffee break at Café Paris

    12:30pm Scenic drive along the coastline passing by Estoril

    1:00pm Drive back to Lisbon and return to your hotel

    Tarde y noche libre. Almuerzo y cena por su cuenta

    Overnight at the Olissippo Lapa Palace hotel or similar hotel

    DÍA 4

    From 7:00am Buffet breakfast at the hotel

    12:00pm Hotel check out

    TBA Transfer to the Lisbon International Airport based on your flight details

    Noches Adicionales:

    •All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the same hotel used on the LAST NIGHT of your program.

    •When you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. El horario del registro de salida es a las 12:00 h (sujeto a cambios). Las comidas que no sean el desayuno corren por su cuenta después del Día 4 del programa.

    Traslados: Todos los huéspedes que reserven sus vuelos de manera independiente deben asegurarse de que la línea de cruceros tenga los detalles de la fecha de su vuelo más actualizados para que se puedan organizar los traslados al aeropuerto. Si no se reciben los detalles del vuelo 14 días antes de la fecha de comienzo del crucero, no se organizarán los traslados.

    Si reserva noches adicionales por su cuenta o si su vuelo no se realiza el último día del programa, los traslados no estarán incluidos.

    Si tiene un vuelo que sale tarde, es posible que desee reservar una noche adicional para ocupar la habitación hasta su salida. Se le pedirá que desaloje la habitación a las 12:00 h. Las habitaciones diurnas solo se pueden comprar directamente a través del hotel.

    Pronóstico del tiempo: In May and June the weather is mild with temperatures around 24° Celsius (75° F). In the summer months you can expect it to typically be 30° Celsius (86° F) during the day. In October the temperatures can drop down to approximately 20° Celsius (68° F) and finally in November the temperature will be approximately 15° Celsius (59° F) with expected rain showers.

    Qué debe traer: Comfortable shoes and a jacket or sweater for cooler temperatures. Casual smart dress for dinners. An umbrella in case of rain.

    Moneda Local: The Euro

    Electricidad: 220 voltios. We recommend bringing a travel adaptor for electric devices.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa: Se requiere un pasaporte válido.


    Olissippo Lapa Palace Hotel

    Rua do Pau da Bandeira, nº 4. ZIP Code: 1249-021

    Lisboa, Portugal

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified in advance. If you are not notified of changes before departure, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.

    Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel, 24 hours a day. You may also enjoy the indoor and outdoor swimming pool, sauna, gym and steam bath free of charge.

    El programa incluye:

    •3 nights at the Olissippo Lapa Palace Hotel or similar – River-garden view room

    •Buffet breakfast at hotel’s main restaurant

    •Pastel de Belem with one soft drink

    •Dinner on day 2 at typical Fado restaurant including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea or coffee

    •Lunch on day 1 at Adega Mãe or similar winery in Mafra including ½ bottle of white or red wine per person, mineral water, soft drinks, tea or coffee

    •Wine tasting on day 1

    •Pena Palace fast track entrance fee

    •Coffee break at Cafe Paris

    •Whisper headsets for groups of ten guests or more

    Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: Los huéspedes que reservan sus propios vuelos, independientemente de cuál sea la línea de cruceros, son responsables de garantizar que la línea de cruceros tenga la información de salida actualizada, para poder planificar su traslado. Si reserva noches adicionales por su cuenta, la línea de cruceros no proporcionará el traslado de salida. Si no recibimos los detalles de vuelo con un mínimo de 14 días de antelación, no se proporcionarán los traslados.

    El programa no incluye:

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Meals or beverages not mentioned above

    • Servicios imprevistos del hotel, incluidos el minibar y el servicio a la habitación

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Aviso: Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda. Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los Programas Terrestres deben comprarse hasta 90 días antes de la fecha en que comienza la navegación. Las cancelaciones realizadas 90 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.

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