Popularmente conocida como la "Princesa del mar Arábigo", Cochín (Khochi) ha sido un puesto comercial desde los antiguos tiempos romanos debido a su ubicación estratégica entre Europa y China. Desde la corte de Kubla Khan hasta la gran era de los descubrimientos de Europa, los viajeros y comerciantes de tierras lejanas han estado llegando hasta aquí desde la antigüedad en búsqueda de especias, sándalo y marfil. Descubra la iglesia de San Francisco, la iglesia europea en pie más antigua en la India. Vea una de las sinagogas más antiguas del mundo, una joya de incomparable belleza con columnas de latón, lámparas colgantes belgas y exquisitas tejas de porcelana china blancas y azules pintadas a mano.

Puerto: Kochi (Cochín)

Kochi (Cochín)

All programs below may not be available on every sailing.

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    El legendario Taj Mahal de Agra, una de las estructuras más famosas del mundo, cautivará sus sentidos y su corazón. Considerado el mejor ejemplo de la arquitectura mogol, el Taj Mahal es una masa brillante de mármol blanco y piedras semipreciosas ubicado en impecables terrenos parquizados. This program includes the opportunity to visit two UNESCO world heritage sites: the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort both of which are legacies from Mughal times.

    Nota Especial: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC), CPAP breathing machines or scooters should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    DAY 1 – 30 de marzo de 2024

    After disembarkation from the ship in Cochin, you will proceed to the airport for your flight to Delhi.

    Upon arrival at the Cochin airport, you will receive boarding passes and proceed through security. Su equipaje será transportado al aeropuerto en otra camioneta para realizar la facturación por anticipado. Lunch is arranged at an airport hotel.

    On arrival in Delhi, transfer to your hotel for check-in.

    Dinner is included at the hotel.

    DAY 2 – 31 de marzo de 2024

    After breakfast, check out and drive to Agra via the new Yamuna Expressway with vistas of India’s vast rural farming countryside.

    Agra, donde se encuentra el Taj Mahal, fue una de las grandes ciudades del sur de Asia. Con la llegada de los mogoles en 1526, dirigidos por Babur, Agra ingresó en una era completamente diferente durante los reinos de los emperadores Akbar, Jehangir y Shah Jahan. Akbar la convirtió en un gran centro de educación, arte, comercio y cultura. Sus bazares cosmopolitas y su ubicación estratégica a orillas del río Yamuna la convirtieron en un importante centro para el imperio.

    Upon arrival in Agra check-in to your hotel.

    After lunch visit the Agra Fort, a World Heritage Site credited to Emperor Akbar, India’s great visionary. Sus hijos y herederos hicieron su aporte a esta imponente estructura ubicada a orillas del río Yamuna. Los impactantes palacios, mezquitas y auditorios con sus enormes paredes de arenisca roja se convirtieron una vez más en una monumental misión del imperio mogol, embellecida por la fusión artística de la tradición hindú e islámica.

    Then you will visit the Taj Mahal for sunset. With its incredible lacy white grandeur, it is perhaps the most perfect architectural monument in the world. En memoria de su esposa, el gran emperador mogol Shah Jehan planificó este extravagante e incomparable monumento construido por amor. Although amazingly graceful from any angle, it is the close-up detail, which is really astounding. Al atardecer, el monumento parece cambiar de color por el brillo de la puesta del sol.

    Back at your hotel, and after some time to freshen up, enjoy the classical dance form of Kathak in the ballroom. Después del espectáculo de baile, se servirá una cena tipo bufé.

    Day 3 – 1 de abril de 2024

    This morning you will discover the Taj Mahal at dawn. Coffee, tea, juices and rolls are served in the lobby prior to your departure.

    Return to your hotel for breakfast.

    Morning options following breakfast:

    •Visit the Tomb of Itmad-Ud-Daulah in the old city, the first Mughal structure pioneering the extensive use

    of `pietra dura’, the inlay work of marble, so characteristic of the Taj Mahal. Este mausoleo es pequeño y bajo si se lo compara con el Taj Mahal, pero sus dimensiones más humanas tienen un encanto especial y la superficie de la tumba hábilmente dibujada es francamente magnífica.

    •At the hotel, Agra’s leading astrologer will be available for consultation. Appointments for an analysis of your personal horoscope can be made at the Regent Cruises Hospitality desk

    •Take a look at some of Agra’s famous shopping. Kohinoor, erstwhile jewelers to the Mughal court, featured in National Geographic. Old emerald necklaces, enamel, jewelry, silver, pocket watches in Gold and silver, textiles and embroidery form part of their private collection. The Marble Inlay factories steeped in this decorative art culture are also a specialty of Agra.

    Return to your hotel for lunch.

    Later, drive back to Delhi and check-in to your hotel.

    La cena se sirve en el hotel.

    Una noche en Delhi.

    Day 4 – 2 de abril de 2024

    After breakfast, transfer to the Delhi airport. At the airport, collect boarding passes and proceed through security and then onto the plane for the flight to Mumbai.

    Upon arrival in Mumbai, transfer to the pier to rejoin your ship.

    A separate van will be provided for transportation of your luggage to the pier

    AVISO: Pending confirmed flight details, this program has been planned so that World Cruise Guestss will be back in time for the planned event in Mumbai.

    Programa terrestre paso a paso:

    Aviso: el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Los vuelos directos nunca están garantizados. El equipo de Servicios en Destino le proporcionará los itinerarios finales con los detalles más actualizados una vez que usted esté a bordo del barco. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    Día 1

    9:00am The ship is scheduled to arrive in Cochin

    10:00am After immigration and custom formalities, disembark and transfer to Cochin airport with an

    overview of the city en-route

    Baggage is transported in a separate van for a pre-check-in

    1:00pm Arrive at an airport hotel for lunch

    2:30pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    4:15pm Depart Cochin for Delhi (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    7:20pm Arrive Delhi and transfer to your hotel

    8:00pm Check in

    From 8:30pm Dinner at the hotel

    Overnight at the JW Marriott Hotel New Delhi Aerocity or similar hotel

    Día 2

    6:30am Breakfast at the hotel

    8:00am Depart for Agra via the Yamuna Expressway

    12:00pm Arrive in Agra and check-in to your hotel

    From 12:30pm Lunch and leisure time

    2:00pm Visit Agra Fort

    4:30pm Visit the Taj Mahal for a sunset experience

    7:00pm Classical Kathak dance performance

    From 7:30pm Dinner at the hotel

    Overnight at ITC Mughal or similar hotel

    Día 3

    5:15am Tea, coffee, juices and rolls served in the lobby

    5:45am Depart for the Taj Mahal

    6:15 – 7:30am Sunrise visit of the monument

    From 8am Breakfast at the hotel

    Opciones por la mañana

    9:30am-12:30pm 1. Visit Itmad-Ud-Daulah

    10:00am – 12:30pm 2. Shuttles to local market and marble inlay factory

    10:00–12:30pm 3. Appointment with the local astrologer

    12:30 – 2:00pm Lunch is served at the hotel

    2:30pm Drive back to Delhi

    6:30pm Arrive and check-in to your hotel

    From 7:30pm Dinner at the hotel

    Overnight at the JW Marriott Hotel New Delhi Aerocity or similar hotel

    Día 4

    Desde las 7:00 h: Desayuno en el hotel

    8:30am Transfer to the airport

    8:45am Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    10:20am Flight to Delhi (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    12:35pm Arrive in Mumbai and transfer to the pier

    Baggage is transported in a separate van to the pier

    2:30pm Arrive at the pier and re-board the ship

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Days are sunny and comfortable with temperatures between 30 to 35°C (86 to 95°F).

    The evenings are between 27 to 30°C (80 to 86°F).

    Qué debe traer:

    Vestimenta informal durante el día. Also, important is sun block, hat, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. Dado que el Taj Mahal también es un mausoleo, hay ciertas costumbres religiosas que deben seguirse. Como señal de respeto, se acostumbra quitarse el calzado antes de entrar. Avoid tops with spaghetti straps and short shorts for ladies – knee length shorts are okay for ladies and gents.


    Indian Rupees. US Dollars are widely accepted


    220 – 240 volts. Hotel rooms are equipped with converters however we recommend you bring your own travel adaptors for electric devices as a backup.


    Light luggage would be most suited for this trip. A maximum of 1 suitcase is permitted per person and one carry-on with a maximum of 7 kgs (15 lbs). Checked suitcases are not to weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) per airline regulations. Any luggage exceeding this amount will be subject to fees payable by the guest directly to the airline at the time of check-in.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights in India (as per Airline regulations):

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least 1 month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Guests brining a scooter will need to advise our Reservations team in advance. Specific details regarding the scooter will be required (as advised to us by the Indian airlines) including model, model number, a photo, maximum speed, ground clearance, turning radius, overall length & width of the base, seat type, weight, battery weight, battery requirements, maximum range per charge, battery charger information, battery type (detachable or not), maximum weight capacity, color.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    It is essential to have a valid Indian Visa in advance of this trip.

    Guests must bring their passport with them

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time will result in denial of travel and guests will have to pay for any expenses incurred in order to not proceed with the program.


    JW Marriott Hotel New Delhi Aerocity

    Asset Area 4 – Hospitality District, Delhi Aerocity, New Delhi – 110037

    Teléfono: (+91 11) 4521 2121


    ITC Mughal

    Tajganj, Agra, Uttar Pradesh - 282001

    Teléfono: +91 562 4021700

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. Si se requieren hoteles similares, tendrán la misma clasificación y estándares; y le notificaremos acerca del cambio. Si no se le notifican cambios antes de la salida, se alojará en los hoteles que figuran en este programa.

    El programa incluye:

    •2 nights at the JW Marriott Hotel New Delhi Aerocity or similar hotel including breakfast – Deluxe room

    •1 night at the ITC Mughal including breakfast – Mughal Chambers room

    •Transfers, sightseeing and road journeys using air-conditioned deluxe coaches

    •Unlimited mineral water will be provided in the bus

    •Lunches and dinners inclusive of house wines, beer, mineral water, sodas

    •Economy class flights from Cochin to Delhi and from Delhi to Mumbai - Direct flights are not guaranteed

    •Entrance fees and camera and video charges at the Taj Mahal monument

    •Kathak dance performance

    •Local fortuneteller

    •The services of an accompanying Tour Manager from Cochin until Mumbai

    No incluye:

    •Any meals or beverages not listed in the itinerary

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    •Excess or overweight luggage

    •Indian visa

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los programas por tierra durante el crucero deben comprarse hasta 60 días antes de la fecha de partida. Las cancelaciones realizadas 60 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


    Gain an extraordinary perspective of the gorgeous Pink City of Jaipur through its architectural highlights and observe iconic wildlife such as Bengal tigers on game drives in a national park.

    Nota Especial: Guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC), CPAP breathing machines or scooters should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    Día 1

    After disembarking the ship in Cochin and attending to immigration and customs formalities, you will proceed to the airport. Baggage is transported in a separate van to the airport for pre-check-in.

    On arrival, receive boarding passes and pass through security before boarding a flight to Jaipur via Hyderabad. Refreshments and dinner will be served aloft.

    Jaipur is the capital of the desert-like state of Rajasthan, a land rich in legends of romance, chivalry, sacrifice, and heroic deeds.

    You will spend the night at the Jai Mahal Palace, the former residence of the Prime Minister. Its graceful architecture is uniquely Rajput, with cupolas, minarets, and arched doorways. Open-air verandahs spill out onto lovely grounds where peacocks strut.

    Día 2

    Following breakfast, explore the Pink City, where an enduring charisma of the past blends with the throbbing vitality of today. The scholar and astronomer Jai Singh founded Jaipur centuries ago, and it is considered India’s first planned city. It is often called the Pink City for the predominant color of its buildings.

    Continuing to old Jaipur, you will visit the Hawa Mahal or the Palace of Winds, a fine example of Rajput artistry. It is constructed of red and pink sandstone, beautifully outlined with white borders and motifs painted with quick lime.

    You will then head toward the City Palace, a sprawling structure surrounded by a high wall. The royal family lives in a portion of the palace. Other areas have been converted into museums displaying textiles, costumes, paintings, and carpets.

    Across from the palace, you will find the open-air royal observatory Jantar Mantar, an esteemed World Heritage site. Jai Singh ordered its construction in the 18th century. It contains the world’s largest stone sundial, among other astronomical instruments.

    As a traditional center of commerce, Jaipur has a variety of attractions, many best explored individually. Bustling bazaars are laden with souvenirs, carpets, world famous gems and jewelry, the specialty being traditional hand block printed fabric, antique textiles, and handicrafts.

    After lunch, take a 3 ½ hour drive through the countryside to the famous tiger sanctuary at Ranthambore.

    Check-in to the Vanyavilas, designed as a `Jungle Camp’ and lies adjacent to the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve. The resort is set in nineteen acres with an emphasis on maintaining the natural environment with well-established trees, flora, and a large water body. There’s an orchard of lemon, guava, and mango trees, along with a viewing tower facing the sanctuary.

    Your accommodation will be in a spacious luxury tent with a beautifully appointed interior and a private deck.

    Dinner and overnight at Oberoi Vanyavilas.

    Día 3

    Coffee, tea, and rolls are served at dawn before proceeding on a drive through the park in a Jeep or canter safari vehicle with expert naturalists. They will point out and describe the great diversity of birds, mammals, and major predators.

    The deep gorges of Ranthambore serve as hideouts for animals such as leopards, tigers and sloth bears. The forest also provides a natural habitat for spotted deer and sambar, the largest Asiatic deer. Woodland, ground and water birds are plentiful, including red junglefowl. Although Ranthambore was once a hunting ground for Bengal tigers, it has become a research and conservation area for these magnificent animals, especially in the last decade or so.

    The 10th-century Ranthambore Fort that overlooks the reserve is so historically important that UNESCO deemed it a World Heritage site. You may notice various animals resting on its ancient ramparts.

    Return to the resort for breakfast and a morning at leisure.

    You may choose to visit Dastkar, an extraordinary center for crafts, the majority of them created by women as their sole means of income. The bazaar at Dastkar helps the local villagers become self-reliant, as the craftspeople sell their products independent of a commercial middleman. You will view them creating a huge variety of traditional items by hand.

    Later in the afternoon, you will enjoy a second game drive, exploring yet another area of the national park with a naturalist guide.

    Return to the resort at dusk.

    Lunch, dinner, and overnight at the Oberoi Vanyavilas.

    Día 4

    After an early breakfast and check-out from the hotel, you will drive to the airport for a flight to Mumbai. A packed lunch will be served at the Jaipur airport and refreshments served aloft.

    Upon arrival in Mumbai, you are met and transferred to the port to re-embark the ship.

    Baggage is transported in a separate van to the pier.

    Land Program Step by Step

    el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Los vuelos directos nunca están garantizados. Final itineraries with up-to-date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    Día 1

    1:00pm Disembark and transfer to Cochin airport

    3:30pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes, and proceed through security

    5:35pm Flight from Cochin to Jaipur via Hyderabad (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    Refreshments served aloft

    7:10pm Arrive at Hyderabad and connect with the flight to Jaipur

    8:35pm Flight from Hyderabad to Jaipur (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    Dinner served aloft

    10:50pm Arrive Jaipur and transfer to your hotel

    Overnight at the Jai Mahal Palace or similar hotel

    Día 2

    7:30am Breakfast at the hotel

    9:00am Drive to the Pink city en route stopping at the Hawa Mahal

    Visit the City Palace and Royal Observatory “Jantar Mantar”

    On the return stop by the marketplace

    1:30–3:00pm Lunch

    3:00pm Drive to Ranthambore

    6:30pm Arrive and check-in to your hotel

    7:30pm Cena en el hotel

    Overnight in Ranthambore at the Oberoi Vanyavilas or similar

    Día 3

    5:30am Tea, coffee, juices, and rolls are served

    6:00am Depart for a morning game drive

    9:30am Return to the resort for breakfast

    11:00am Visit Dastkar Society

    12:30pm Return to the resort for lunch and leisure time

    2:30pm Afternoon game drive

    6:00pm Return to the resort

    From 7:30pm Dinner at the resort

    Overnight in Ranthambore at the Oberoi Vanyavilas or similar

    Día 4

    Desde las 7:00 h: Desayuno en el hotel

    8:30am Checkout and drive to Jaipur airport

    12:30pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes, and proceed through security

    Packed lunch served at Jaipur airport

    2:20pm Flight from Jaipur to Mumbai (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    Refreshments served aloft

    3:55pm Arrive in Mumbai and transfer to the pier

    6:00pm Arrive at the pier and rejoin the ship

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    High daytime temperatures expected at Jaipur and Ranthambore are between 30 to 35°C (86 to 95°F)

    Qué debe traer:

    Vestimenta informal durante el día. Also, important is sun block, hat, sunglasses, and comfortable walking shoes. At the temples, it is customary to remove your footwear before entering. Don’t forget your cameras and chargers.


    Indian Rupees

    US Dollars are widely accepted.


    220 – 240 volts. Hotel rooms are equipped with converters however we recommend bringing your own travel adaptors for electric devices.


    Light luggage would be most suited for this trip. Guests can bring 1 suitcase per person not weighting more than 15kg or 33lbs as well as 1 carry-on not weighing more than 7kg or 15lbs. Overweight or excess luggage is subject to fees imposed by the airlines and payable upon check in at the airports.

    Airline and type of aircraft that may be used (subject to change):

    Indigo – Airbus A319 – All Economy class seats (upgrades not available)

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    A passport that is valid at least 6 months after travel is required

    Please check with your local embassy for any visa requirements for your nationality. A valid Indian Visa is required for this program.

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle, and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time or incorrect names on flight tickets will result in either denial of travel or ticket re-purchase and guests will be responsible for any fees incurred.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has its own regulations).

    1. Guests must obtain a doctor’s certificate stating their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications, especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type).

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via the Reservations Team at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which neither cruise line nor our local ground operator will be responsible for.

    Guests bringing a scooter must advise our reservations team in advance. Details regarding the scooter will be required (as advised to us by the Indian airlines) including the model, model number, a photo, maximum speed, ground clearance, turning radius, overall length and width of the base, seat type, weight, battery weight, battery requirements, maximum range per charge, battery charger information, battery type (detachable or not), maximum weight capacity and color.


    Jai Mahal Palace

    Jacob Rd, Civil Lines, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302006, India

    Teléfono: +91 141 660 1111

    The Oberoi Vanyavilas

    Sawai Madhopur, Ranthambhore, Rajasthan 322001, India

    Teléfono: +91 7462 22 3999

    *We will only substitute a hotel in unforeseen situations. If a hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards, and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes prior to departure, the hotels listed in this program will be used.

    El programa incluye:

    •1 night at the Jai Mahal Palace, Jaipur or similar hotel in a luxury room

    •2 nights at the Oberoi Vanyavilas, Ranthambore or similar hotel in a superior room

    •Transfers using air-conditioned coaches in Cochin and Mumbai along with a guide

    •All meals listed in the itinerary with lunches and dinners inclusive of house wines, beer, bottled water and soft drinks

    •Sightseeing per the itinerary in air-conditioned coaches

    •2 game drives in Ranthambore in Jeeps accompanied by naturalist guides

    •Unlimited mineral water in the coaches at all times

    •All entrance and camera fees wherever applicable

    •Local tour escort from Cochin to Mumbai

    •Economy-class flights between Cochin, Jaipur, and Mumbai (direct flights not guaranteed).

    El programa no incluye:

    •Additional meals or beverages not listed above

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    •Indian Visa

    •Excess or overweight luggage fees on flights

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel or natural paths. There may be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Mid-cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Las cancelaciones realizadas 90 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


    Explore the key attractions in and around Nepal’s capital of Kathmandu, many of them World Heritage Sites, including temples, royal cities and other architectural treasures.

    Nota Especial: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    Due to the amount of walking, at times on uneven surfaces, this program is not recommended for anyone with walking difficulty or if a cane, walker or wheelchair are used.

    Day 1 – 30 de marzo de 2024

    After clearing immigration and Customs in Cochin, you will transfer to the airport and fly to Bangalore. A lunch box is served at the Banglaore airport while in transit.

    Upon arriving, you will be assisted for a connecting flight to Kathmandu. Dinner is served on the flight.

    In Kathmandu, you will be assisted with visa issuance and baggage collection.

    AVISO: Please have on hand 1 passport sized photo for the Nepal Visa - Your tour manager will collect this from you in flight.

    Home to eight of the world’s 10 tallest peaks, the tiny kingdom of Nepal is ringed by the Himalayas. It is a land of contrasts, harboring a wealth of Buddhist and Hindu art and architecture. Nepal’s colorful capital city Kathmandu reflects 2,000 years of peaceful co-existence and exudes a unique blend of Hinduism and Buddhism, which is distinctly Nepalese in character.

    Nepal has eight World Heritage sites and has won two Heritage Awards, one for the city of Bhaktapur and the other for the Dwarika’s Hotel, where you will spend the evening.

    Described as a “living, breathing museum, displaying Nepal’s best craftsmanship from the 13th century,” the hotel rooms and public areas at Dwarika’s Hotel reflect medieval architectural traditions. Every brick is handmade, every piece of wood original and centuries old.

    Day 2 – 31 de marzo de 2024

    Early in the morning, you will transfer to the airport for a flight-seeing excursion (weather permitting), soaring over glacier-clad, cloud-shrouded peaks and other landscapes around Mount Everest. Afterwards, you will return to the hotel for breakfast.

    Following breakfast, you will have some time at leisure and before noon you will drive to the Traditional Inn in Patan for lunch. After lunch you will visit Patan, one of three royal cities in the valley. Commissioned by India’s great emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century, this World Heritage Site within four stupas is known as the City of Fine Arts.

    The temples around the main square are impressive as is the Patan Museum, which is housed within a picturesque palace setting. In an international campaign by UNESCO for safeguarding monuments in Kathmandu Valley, the Austrian government joined hands with Nepal to restore and preserve Patan.

    Newari architectural style blossomed in the form of temples, palaces, residences and squares between the 12th and 18th centuries, representing a timelessness in Nepalese architecture and its definitive characteristics, often guided by religious and socio-cultural norms.

    You will enjoy a cup of tea in a 150-year-old restored Newari home. Its ground level is for daily activities and storage, while the floors above contain living spaces and bedrooms. The top floor serves as the family shrine and cooking and dining area.

    Next, you will see Patan’s Living Goddess, who typically acknowledges greetings of devotees from the balcony of her temple residence. Known as kumaris, Nepal’s living goddesses live in seclusion and rarely speak in public.

    After a private audience with the goddess it’s on to the Singing Bowl workshops. According to the oral traditions, singing bowls were brought to Nepal from India in the 8th century along with Buddha’s teachings. The Nepalese were expert bronze makers which allowed them to perfect these bowls which are commonly used as a tool for meditation. The beautiful rich tones the bowls produce are thought to help achieve a state of deep relaxation.

    There’s time for individual exploration before departing for Thamel - Kathmandu’s hip street. Pulsating Thamel has become a world address for international trekkers, mountaineers and curio shoppers looking for a bargain.

    Transfer to and enjoy drinks and dinner at a local favorite “Sam’s One Tree Café”. Following dinner the group returns to the hotel for the evening.

    Day 3 – 1 de abril de 2024

    After breakfast, you will drive to the World Heritage city of Bhadgaon, also known as Bhaktapur. Founded in the 9th century, Bhaktapur, also known as the City of Devotees, is revered for its medieval art and architecture. As you meander around Durbar Square, you will see the 55 Window Palace and Nyatapola temple, considered to be the finest example of Pagoda-style architecture.

    Following lunch at Kathmandu’s popular Chez Caroline Café, you will return to the hotel.

    Later, you will visit the great Stupa at Bodhnath, one of the largest of its kind in the world. Constructed in the 14th century, the stupa is built on an octagonal base, inset with prayer wheels. Bodhnath is also a center of the Tibetan community in Nepal, where you will visit a monastery and interact with a senior monk. A visit is also made to the Thangka Painting Studio, which renowned artist Lok Chitrakar founded. The sacred art form of Thangkas is a visual interpretation of Buddhist and Hindu philosophies that date from before the 7th century C.E.

    You will then visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Pashupatinath, one of the holiest Hindu temples and a major pilgrimage site dedicated to the god Shiva. Situated within a natural setting on the bank of the sacred Bagmati River, the temple features a pagoda style, a gilded roof and a richly carved silver door.

    After watching the Aarti prayer offering ceremony at the temple, you will return to the hotel to spend the evening. Dinner is included at your hotel.

    Day 4 - 2 de abril de 2024

    Enjoy breakfast at your hotel and the morning is at leisure.

    Later, after a light lunch in the Courtyard, you will transfer to the airport for the flight from Kathmandu to Mumbai. Upon arrival in Mumbai, you will transfer to the pier and re-embark the ship.

    AVISO: Pending confirmed flight details, this program has been planned so that World Cruise Guestss will be back in time for the planned event in Mumbai.

    Programa por tierra paso a paso

    el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations beyond our control. All program details, including timings and flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Destination Services will provide a final itinerary with up-to-date details once you board the ship. Please review the final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    Day 1 - timings below are for reference only and are subject to change based on flight details once


    9:30am Disembark and transfer to Cochin Airport

    12:00pm Arrive at the Airport and complete check-in formalities, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    12:45pm Depart Cochin for Bangalore - light snack served on board

    Flight details TBA and subject to change

    1:50pm Arrive in Mumbai and proceed to the International terminal and complete check-in,

    Immigration and other formalities for your flight to Kathmandu

    A lunch box is served at the airport while in transit

    5:50pm Depart for Kathmandu -dinner served on board

    Flight details TBA and subject to change

    9:10pm Arrive in Kathmandu. You are met at immigration, assistance with visa issuance

    (1 passport photo is required) customs and transfer to your nearby hotel

    10:15pm Arrive at your hotel and check in

    Overnight at Dwarika’s Hotel or similar hotel

    Día 2

    5:30am Tea and coffee are served in the lobby before transferring to the airport

    6:00am Transfer to the domestic terminal

    6:15am Arrive, receive boarding passes and proceed to security before boarding the aircraft

    6:45am Depart on an hour’s flightseeing (weather permitting) to the Everest

    Region, featuring Mt. Everest and other legendry Himalayan peaks

    7:45am Return to Kathmandu Airport and transfer back to your hotel

    8:15am Breakfast in the Toran Restaurant

    11:30am Transfer to Patan

    12:15pm Lunch at the Traditional Inn or similar

    1:30pm Visit Patan; its Museum, Main Square and ancient temples, private Newari House,Living Goddess and the Singing Bowl workshop

    3:30pm Free time for individual exploration of this World Heritage City

    4:00pm Gather and transfer to Thamel

    4:30pm Arrive and walk around with your guide

    5:30pm Depart for Kathmandu’s Main Avenue

    5:45pm Drinks and dinner at Sam’s One Tree Café or similar

    7:30pm Return to your hotel

    Overnight at Dwarika’s Hotel or similar hotel

    Día 3

    From 7:00am Breakfast in the Dwarikas Courtyard

    9:30am Proceed to visit Bhadgaon City (Bhaktapur) and later walk around its

    Durbar Square to see the Palace of 55 windows and Nyatapola temple

    1:00pm Lunch at the Chez Caroline restaurant or similar

    3:00pm Return to the hotel

    4:00pm Depart for Bodhnath Stupa

    4:15pm Arrive and visit Bodhnath Stupa

    5:15pm Visit the nearby Tibetan Monastery & Thangka Painting School, followed by time for individual exploration.

    6:00pm Depart Bodhnath for Pashupatinath temple

    6:15pm Visit Pashupatinath and witness the Aarti Ceremony (Evening Prayer


    7:00pm Return to the hotel – dinner included

    Overnight at Dwarika’s Hotel or similar hotel

    Day 4 - timings below are for reference only and are subject to change based on flight details once


    From 7am Breakfast in the Toran restaurant.

    10:30am Checkout and transfer to the International Airport for a flight to Mumbai - flight details TBA and subject to change

    11:00am Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through immigration and security

    1:25pm Flight departs Kathmandu – Lunch served onboard

    3:55pm Arrive Mumbai, pass through immigration & customs and transfer to the pier

    6:00pm Arrive at the pier and re-board the ship

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Days are expected to be warm and sunny and evenings pleasant. The average daytime temperatures are around 25°C or 77°F whereas the minimum temperatures are about 10°C or 50°F. However, the early mornings and evenings can sometimes get a bit chilly so it’s best to carry a light sweater or jacket.

    Qué debe traer:

    Casual clothing through the trip along with comfortable walking shoes, sunglasses, hat, sunblock, swimwear and insect repellent. Early mornings and late evenings can sometimes get a bit chilly so it’s advisable to carry a light sweater or jacket for this possibility.


    Nepali Rupee: One U.S dollar is approximately Rupees 105 (subject to change). The hotel has an exchange facility


    Nepal has a 230-volt, 50-hertz cycle power supply and 2-pin cylindrical sockets and plugs.

    However, the rooms are fitted with necessary adaptors

    Aircraft type (all subject to change):

    Indigo Airlines – Airbus A 320

    Nepal Airlines – Airbus 320/Boeing 757 - Economy

    Flightseeing tour – ATR, Yeti Airlines, 35 seats

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights in India (as per Airline regulations):

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least 1 month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Luggage information:

    On internal flights, check-in bags are not to weigh more than 15kg (33 lbs) and the carry-ons are max of 7 kgs (15 lbs).

    Please pack items such as scissors and other sharp instruments in your check-in baggage. Liquids must be 100 ml or less in your carry on. Power banks and portable mobile chargers are not permitted in checked-in bags, they need to be kept in your carry on.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    It is essential to have a multiple entry valid Indian Visa for the trip obtained in advance.

    *Nepal visa will be issued on arrival – all guests will be required to have 1 passport photo for this Visa


    Dwarikas’ Hotel

    Battisputali Kathmandu, Nepal, P.O. Box: 459,

    Teléfono: (977-1) 4479488

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. If a similar hotel is required it will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.

    El programa incluye:

    •Accommodation for 3 nights at the Dwarika’s Hotel in Kathmandu in a Heritage deluxe room

    •All meals with lunches and dinners inclusive of house wines, beer, mineral water and sodas

    •Transfers, sightseeing and road journeys in Nepal

    •Mineral water and sodas in the vehicles

    •Economy-class flights per the itinerary – direct flights not guaranteed

    •Entrance fees and camera charges at monuments

    •Mountain flightseeing

    •Nepal visa

    •The services of a local tour manager to accompany the group from Cochin until Mumbai

    El programa no incluye:

    •Valid tourist visa for India

    •Gratuities to drivers, guides and tour manager

    • Servicios imprevistos del hotel, incluidos el minibar y el servicio a la habitación

    •Meals or beverages not indicated in the itinerary

    •Excess or overweight luggage

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. However, each program varies and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces, which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel or natural paths. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los programas por tierra durante el crucero deben comprarse hasta 60 días antes de la fecha de partida. Las cancelaciones realizadas 60 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


    El legendario Taj Mahal de Agra, una de las estructuras más famosas del mundo, cautivará sus sentidos y su corazón. Considerado el mejor ejemplo de la arquitectura mogol, el Taj Mahal es una masa brillante de mármol blanco y piedras semipreciosas ubicado en impecables terrenos parquizados. This program includes the opportunity to visit two UNESCO world heritage sites: the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort both of which are legacies from Mughal times.

    Nota Especial: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC), CPAP breathing machines or scooters should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour. The program is manageable for guests with mobility restrictions as long as they are travelling with someone to assist. Guests must be able to get on and off the tour coaches with little to no assistance. There will be various steps to negotiate at the hotels and sites visited (2-30 steps) and wheelchair ramps are not always available although most sites have them. Only the base of the Taj Mahal mausoleum is accessible to wheelchairs.

    DAY 1 – 15 de abril de 2027

    After disembarking the ship in Cochin, you will proceed to the airport for a flight to Delhi. A lunch box will be provided at the airport. Light refreshments will be served during the flight.

    On arrival, transfer to your hotel for dinner and overnight.

    DAY 2 – 16 abr,2027

    After breakfast, check out and depart for Agra via the Yamuna Expressway. Sit back, relax and take in the vistas of India’s vast rural farming countryside along the way.

    Agra, donde se encuentra el Taj Mahal, fue una de las grandes ciudades del sur de Asia. Con la llegada de los mogoles en 1526, dirigidos por Babur, Agra ingresó en una era completamente diferente durante los reinos de los emperadores Akbar, Jehangir y Shah Jahan. Akbar la convirtió en un gran centro de educación, arte, comercio y cultura. Sus bazares cosmopolitas y su ubicación estratégica a orillas del río Yamuna la convirtieron en un importante centro para el imperio.

    Arrive in Agra and check-in to the renowned Oberoi Amarvilas which boasts uninterrupted views of the Taj Mahal. Voted as one of the top hotels of the world, its classical architecture is complemented by elaborate Mughal gardens, terraced lawns, fountains, reflection pools and pavilions. Every room has a frontal view of the Taj Mahal.

    Enjoy lunch and some time at leisure before departing for the World Heritage Agra Fort, credited to Emperor Akbar, India’s great visionary. Sus hijos y herederos hicieron su aporte a esta imponente estructura ubicada a orillas del río Yamuna. The astonishing palaces, mosques and audience halls contained within its massive walls of red sandstone became once more a monumental mission of the Mughal Empire embellished by the artistic fusion of Islamic and Hindu traditions.

    Return to your hotel and just prior to dinner, enjoy a short cultural show featuring the classical dance form of Kathak. This royal courtroom dance arose from the fusion of Hindu and Muslim cultures during the Mughal era. It is characterized by rhythmic footwork, spectacular spins, mime and gestures that are a dramatic representation of themes from Persian poetry synthesized with Hindu mythology. Dinner at the hotel will follow.

    DAY 3 – 17 de abril de 2027

    This morning you will discover the Taj Mahal at dawn. Coffee, tea, juices and rolls are served in the lobby prior to your departure.

    With its incredible lacy white grandeur, it is perhaps the most perfect architectural monument in the world. En memoria de su esposa, el gran emperador mogol Shah Jehan planificó este extravagante e incomparable monumento construido por amor. Although amazingly graceful from any angle, it is the close-up detail, which is really astounding.

    Following your morning visit, return to your hotel for breakfast.

    Morning and afternoon options following breakfast and lunch:

    •Visit the Tomb of Itmad-Ud-Daulah in the old city, the first Mughal structure pioneering the extensive use

    of `pietra dura’, the inlay work of marble, so characteristic of the Taj Mahal. Este mausoleo es pequeño y bajo si se lo compara con el Taj Mahal, pero sus dimensiones más humanas tienen un encanto especial y la superficie de la tumba hábilmente dibujada es francamente magnífica.

    •At the hotel, Agra’s leading astrologer will be available for consultation. Appointments for an analysis of your personal horoscope can be made at the Regent Seven Seas Hospitality desk

    •Take a look at some of Agra’s famous shopping including Kohinoor, erstwhile jewelers to the Mughal court, featured in National Geographic. Old emerald necklaces, enamel, jewelry, silver, pocket watches in Gold and silver, textiles and embroidery form part of their private collection. The Marble Inlay factories steeped in this decorative art culture are also a specialty of Agra.

    Later in the day, re-visit the Taj Mahal at sunset where the monument appears to change its hue, tinted by the glow of the setting sun.

    Return to your hotel for dinner and overnight.

    Day 4 – 18 de abril de 2027

    After breakfast, check out and drive to the Delhi airport for a flight to Mumbai. A restroom stop will be made along the way. Lunch will be served at the Delhi airport.

    Upon arrival in Mumbai, transfer to the pier where you will re-board the ship.

    Programa terrestre paso a paso:

    Aviso: el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Los vuelos directos nunca están garantizados. El equipo de Servicios en Destino le proporcionará los itinerarios finales con los detalles más actualizados una vez que usted esté a bordo del barco. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    DÍA 1

    9:30am Disembark in Cochin, clear immigration and customs and transfer to the airport

    12:00pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    Lunch box served at Cochin airport

    2:00pm Flight from Cochin to Delhi (flight details TBA and subject to change) Light refreshments will be served during the flight

    5:20pm Arrive in Delhi and transfer to your hotel

    6:45pm Arrive at the hotel and check-in

    From 7:30pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Oberoi Gurgaon or similar hotel

    DÍA 2

    Desde las 7:00 h: Desayuno en el hotel

    9:00am Drive to Agra via the Yamuna Expressway

    1:00pm Arrive in Agra, check in, lunch and time at leisure

    4:30pm Visit Agra Fort

    6:30pm Return to the hotel

    7:00pm Classical Kathak dance performance

    From 7:30pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Oberoi Amarvilas or similar hotel

    DÍA 3

    5:00am Tea, coffee, juices are served in the lobby

    5:30am Sunrise visit of the Taj Mahal

    From 7:00am Breakfast is served at the hotel

    Opciones por la mañana:

    9:30-12:00 noon (a) Tour of Itmad-Ud-Daulah

    9:30-12:00 noon (b) Shopping shuttle on the hour to the marble inlay factory and local markets

    9:30-12:00 noon (c) Appointments with Agra’s famous astrologer

    From 12:30pm Lunch at the hotel

    Opciones vespertinas:

    2:00-4:30pm (a) Tour of Itmad-Ud-Daulah

    2:00-4:30pm (b) Shopping shuttle on the hour to the marble inlay factory and local markets

    2:00-4:30pm (c) Appointments with Agra’s famous astrologer

    4:45pm Visit the Taj Mahal and stay on until sunset.

    7:00pm Return to the hotel

    From 7:30pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Oberoi Amarvilas or similar hotel

    DÍA 4

    Desde las 7:00 h: Desayuno en el hotel

    9:00am Check out and drive to Delhi airport. Restroom stop enroute

    1:00pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security Lunch served at Delhi airport

    3:15pm Flight from Delhi to Mumbai (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    Light refreshments served during the flight

    5:20pm Arrive in Mumbai and transfer to the pier

    7:30pm Arrive at the pier and reboard the ship

    Steps on tour:


    •Six steps at the entryway

    •Six steps at the mosque

    •Twenty-two steps to access the main tomb in the mausoleum

    •Wheelchair accessible only up to the base of the mausoleum (tomb not wheelchair accessible)

    Tomb of Itmad–Ud–Daulah:

    •One or two easy steps plus ramps at different locations which are accessible by wheelchair

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Delhi and Agra: Days are sunny and hot with temperatures between 30° to 35°C (86° to 95°F). The evenings get a bit cooler between 25° to 30°C (77° to 86°F).

    Qué debe traer:

    Vestimenta informal durante el día. Also, important is sun block, hat, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. Dado que el Taj Mahal también es un mausoleo, hay ciertas costumbres religiosas que deben seguirse. Como señal de respeto, se acostumbra quitarse el calzado antes de entrar. Avoid tops with spaghetti straps and short shorts for ladies – knee length shorts are okay for ladies and gents.


    Indian Rupees.

    US Dollars are widely accepted


    220 – 240 volts. Hotel rooms are equipped with converters however we recommend you bring your own travel adaptors for electric devices as a backup.

    Proposed Aircraft type (subject to change):

    Air India – Airbus A319 – All Economy seats

    IndiGo : Airbus 320 – All Economy seats


    Light luggage would be most suited for this trip. A maximum of 1 suitcase is permitted per person and one carry-on with a maximum of 7 kgs (15 lbs). Checked suitcases are not to weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) per airline regulations. Any luggage exceeding this amount will be subject to fees payable by the guest directly to the airline at the time of check-in.


    Power banks and electronic equipment must be carried in hand luggage, not permitted in checked luggage

    No sharp items are permitted in hand luggage i.e. scissor, nail cutter/file, razors

    Liquids more than 100 ml are not permitted in hand luggage

    Satellite phones and E-cigarettes are banned in India and need to be left on board the ship

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights in India (as per Airline regulations):

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least 1 month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Guests brining a scooter will need to advise our Reservations team in advance. Specific details regarding the scooter will be required (as advised to us by the Indian airlines) including model, model number, a photo, maximum speed, ground clearance, turning radius, overall length & width of the base, seat type, weight, battery weight, battery requirements, maximum range per charge, battery charger information, battery type (detachable or not), maximum weight capacity, color.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    It is essential to have a valid Indian Visa in advance of this trip.

    Guests must bring their passport with them

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time will result in denial of travel and guests will have to pay for any expenses incurred in order to not proceed with the program.

    The above information is subject to change and serves as a guide only. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our guests that it is the ultimate and sole responsibility of the guest to ensure they meet the entry requirements for each destination.

    If traveling internationally, the countries you are flying to and/ or connecting through may have different document requirements and as such we encourage you to visit the government and airport websites of every country you will be traveling to throughout the journey to familiarize yourself with their requirements for your nationality.


    Delhi: The Oberoi Gurgaon

    443, Udyog Vihar, Phase V, Gurgaon – 122 016, Haryana

    Teléfono: (+91 124) 483 1234

    Agra: Oberoi Amarvilas

    Taj East Gate Road, Agra 282001, India

    Teléfono: +91 562 2231515

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. Si se requieren hoteles similares, tendrán la misma clasificación y estándares, y le notificaremos acerca del cambio. Si no se le notifican cambios antes de la salida, se alojará en los hoteles que figuran en este programa.

    El programa incluye:

    •1 night at the Oberoi Amarvilas Delhi including breakfast – Deluxe room

    •2 nights at Oberoi Amarvilas in Agra including breakfasts – Premium room

    •Transfers, sightseeing and road journeys using air-conditioned deluxe coaches

    •Unlimited mineral water will be provided in the bus

    •Lunches and dinners inclusive of house wines, beer, mineral water, sodas

    •Economy class flights per the itinerary - Direct flights are not guaranteed

    •Entrance fees and camera and video charges at the Taj Mahal monument

    •Kathak dance performance

    •Local fortuneteller

    •The services of an accompanying Tour Manager throughout the entire program

    No incluye:

    •Any meals or beverages not listed in the itinerary

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    •Excess or overweight luggage

    •Indian visa

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los programas por tierra durante el crucero deben comprarse hasta 90 días antes de la fecha de partida. Las cancelaciones realizadas 90 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


    El legendario Taj Mahal de Agra, una de las estructuras más famosas del mundo, cautivará sus sentidos y su corazón. Considerado el mejor ejemplo de la arquitectura mogol, el Taj Mahal es una masa brillante de mármol blanco y piedras semipreciosas ubicado en impecables terrenos parquizados. This program includes the opportunity to visit three UNESCO world heritage sites: the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and the ancient city of Fatehpur Sikri; all of which are legacies from Mughal times.

    Nota Especial: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    DÍA 1

    After disembarkation from the ship in Cochin, you will proceed to the airport for your flight to Delhi.

    Upon arrival at the Cochin airport, you will receive boarding passes and proceed through security. Su equipaje será transportado al aeropuerto en otra camioneta para realizar la facturación por anticipado. Dinner will be served on the flight.

    On arrival in Delhi, transfer to your hotel for check-in.

    Soup and finger sandwiches are served prior to retiring for the evening.

    DÍA 2

    After breakfast, check out and drive to Agra via the new Yamuna Expressway with vistas of India’s vast rural farming countryside.

    Agra, donde se encuentra el Taj Mahal, fue una de las grandes ciudades del sur de Asia. Con la llegada de los mogoles en 1526, dirigidos por Babur, Agra ingresó en una era completamente diferente durante los reinos de los emperadores Akbar, Jehangir y Shah Jahan. Akbar la convirtió en un gran centro de educación, arte, comercio y cultura. Sus bazares cosmopolitas y su ubicación estratégica a orillas del río Yamuna la convirtieron en un importante centro para el imperio.

    Upon arrival in Agra check-in to your hotel. Oberoi Amarvilas is voted as one of the top three hotels of the world. Its classical architecture is complemented by elaborate Mughul gardens, terraced lawns, fountains, reflection pools and pavilions and every room has a frontal view of the Taj Mahal.

    After lunch visit Agra Fort, a World Heritage Site credited to Emperor Akbar, India’s great visionary. Sus hijos y herederos hicieron su aporte a esta imponente estructura ubicada a orillas del río Yamuna. Los impactantes palacios, mezquitas y auditorios con sus enormes paredes de arenisca roja se convirtieron una vez más en una monumental misión del imperio mogol, embellecida por la fusión artística de la tradición hindú e islámica.

    Back at your hotel, and after some time to freshen up, enjoy the classical dance form of Kathak in the ballroom. Después del espectáculo de baile, se servirá una cena tipo bufé.

    Día 3

    Enjoy tea, coffee, juices and rolls in the lobby before departing for the Taj Mahal. With its incredible lacy white grandeur, it is perhaps the most perfect architectural monument in the world. En memoria de su esposa, el gran emperador mogol Shah Jehan planificó este extravagante e incomparable monumento construido por amor. Although amazingly graceful from any angle, it is the close-up detail, which is really astounding.

    Return to your hotel for breakfast.

    Morning option following breakfast:

    •Drive an hour into the Indian countryside to visit Fatehpur Sikri, the red sandstone former capital of the Mughal empire. La ciudad existió de 1571 a 1585 d.C. y luego se convirtió en un pueblo fantasma abandonado, posiblemente por la complejidad del sistema de suministro de agua.

    •Visit the Tomb of Itmad-Ud-Daulah in the old city, the first Mughal structure pioneering the extensive use

    of `pietra dura’, the inlay work of marble, so characteristic of the Taj Mahal. Este mausoleo es pequeño y bajo si se lo compara con el Taj Mahal, pero sus dimensiones más humanas tienen un encanto especial y la superficie de la tumba hábilmente dibujada es francamente magnífica.

    Afternoon Options following lunch:

    •Visit the Tomb of Itmad-Ud-Daulah as described above

    •At the hotel, Agra’s leading astrologer will be available for consultation. Appointments for an analysis of your personal horoscope can be made at the Regent Seven Seas Hospitality desk

    •Take a look at some of Agra’s famous shopping …. Kohinoor, erstwhile jewelers to the Mughal court, featured in National Geographic. Old emerald necklaces, enamel, jewelry, silver, pocket watches in Gold and silver, textiles and embroidery form part of their private collection. The Marble Inlay factories steeped in this decorative art culture are also a specialty of Agra.

    Later in the day revisit the Taj Mahal at sunset where the monument appears to change its hue, tinted by the glow of the setting sun.

    Dinner will be served back at your hotel

    Día 4

    Early this morning, return to Delhi for a flight to Mumbai. Tea, coffee, juices and rolls will be served in the lobby prior to departure.

    At the airport, collect boarding passes and proceed through security and then onto the plane for the flight to Mumbai. A packed lunch is served at the airport and snacks are served on the flight.

    Upon arrival in Mumbai, transfer to the pier to rejoin your ship.

    A separate van will be provided for transportation of your luggage to the pier

    Programa terrestre paso a paso:

    Aviso: el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Los vuelos directos nunca están garantizados. El equipo de Servicios en Destino le proporcionará los itinerarios finales con los detalles más actualizados una vez que usted esté a bordo del barco. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    Día 1

    4:00pm Disembark the ship in Cochin and transfer to the airport

    5:45pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    7:45pm Depart Cochin for a flight to Delhi (Flight details TBA and subject to change) Dinner will be served on the flight

    10:55pm Arrive in Delhi and transfer to your hotel

    11:30pm Arrive and check-in. Soup and finger sandwiches are served

    Overnight at The Oberoi Gurgaon or similar hotel

    Día 2

    8:00am Breakfast at your hotel

    9:30am Depart for Agra by road

    1:30pm Arrive in Agra and check-in to your hotel

    From 2:00pm Lunch and time at leisure

    4:30pm Visit Agra Fort

    7:00pm Classical Kathak dance performance at the hotel followed by dinner

    Overnight at the Oberoi Amarvilas or similar hotel

    Día 3

    4:45am Tea, coffee, juices and rolls served in the lobby

    5:30am Depart for the Taj Mahal

    5:30 – 7:30am Sunrise visit of the monument

    From 8:00am Breakfast at the hotel

    Opciones por la mañana

    9:30am Visit Fatehpur Sikri or

    9:30am Visit Itmad-Ud-Daulah

    12:30–2:00pm Lunch at the hotel

    Opciones vespertinas

    2:30pm-5:00pm Visit Itmad-Ud-Daulah or

    2:30pm–5:00pm Shuttles to local market and inlay factories or

    2:30pm–5:00pm Appointment with the local astrologer

    5:30pm Revisit the Taj Mahal at sunset

    From 7:00pm Dinner at the hotel

    Overnight at the Oberoi Amarvilas or similar hotel

    Día 4

    From 7:00am Breakfast at your hotel

    9:00am Check out and drive back to Delhi

    12:30pm Arrive at the Delhi airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    A packed lunch is served at the airport

    2:20pm Flight from Delhi to Mumbai (Flight details TBA and subject to change) Refreshments are served mid flight

    4:30pm Arrive in Mumbai and transfer to the pier

    6:30pm Arrive at the pier and reboard your ship


    Oberoi Gurgaon

    •2 steps plus ramp from the lobby to the elevator area

    •2 steps plus ramp from the elevator to the all-day dining restaurant

    Oberoi Amarvilas

    •3 flights of steps (5 each) along the path to get to the lobby

    •Rooms: All floors are accessible from the lobby by elevator except for the first floor which has 4 easy steps to climb

    •Restaurants: Accessible by the elevator from the rooms and lobby

    •Ballroom & Jodha Gardens: located in the lobby level…4 to 6 easy steps to get to both these venues


    •6 steps down from the first platform to get to the main mausoleum. 6 steps climb to the base of the mosque. 22 steps up to get to the main tomb. Wheelchair accessible only up to the base of the main mausoleum.

    Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri & Tomb of Itmad–Ud–Daulah:

    •All these monuments have one or two easy steps plus ramps at different locations which are accessible by wheelchair

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Days are sunny and comfortable with temperatures between 30 to 35°C (86 to 95°F). The evenings will be cooler.

    Qué debe traer:

    Vestimenta informal durante el día. Also, important is sun block, hat, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. Dado que el Taj Mahal también es un mausoleo, hay ciertas costumbres religiosas que deben seguirse. Como señal de respeto, se acostumbra quitarse el calzado antes de entrar. Avoid tops with spaghetti straps and short shorts for ladies – knee length shorts are okay for ladies and gents.


    Indian Rupees. US Dollars are widely accepted


    220 – 240 volts. Hotel rooms are equipped with converters however we recommend you bring your own travel adaptors for electric devices as a backup.


    Light luggage would be most suited for this trip. A maximum of 1 suitcase is permitted per person and one carry-on. Suitcases are not to weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) per airline regulations. Any luggage exceeding this amount will be subject to fees payable by the guest directly to the airline at the time of check-in.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights in India (as per Airline regulations):

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least 1 month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Guests brining a scooter will need to advise our Reservations team in advance. Specific details regarding the scooter will be required (as advised to us by the Indian airlines) including model, model number, a photo, maximum speed, ground clearance, turning radius, overall length & width of the base, seat type, weight, battery weight, battery requirements, maximum range per charge, battery charger information, battery type (detachable or not), maximum weight capacity, color.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    It is essential to have a valid Indian Visa in advance of this trip.

    Guests must bring their passport with them

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time will result in denial of travel and guests will have to pay for any expenses incurred in order to not proceed with the program.


    The Oberoi Gurgaon - Delhi

    443, Udyog Vihar, Phase V, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122 016

    Teléfono: +91 124 2451234


    Oberoi Amarvilas - Agra

    Taj East Gate Road, Agra 282001, India

    Teléfono: +91 562 2231515

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. Si se requieren hoteles similares, tendrán la misma clasificación y estándares, y le notificaremos acerca del cambio. Si no se le notifican cambios antes de la salida, se alojará en los hoteles que figuran en este programa.

    El programa incluye:

    •1 night at The Oberoi Gurgaon in Delhi or similar hotel – Deluxe room

    •2 nights at The Oberoi Amarvilas - Premier Room

    •Transfers, sightseeing and road journeys using air-conditioned deluxe coaches

    •Unlimited mineral water will be provided in the bus

    •All meals inclusive of house wines, beer, mineral water, sodas and current taxes

    •Economy class flights from Cochin to Delhi and from Delhi to Mumbai - Direct flights are not guaranteed

    •Entrance fees and camera and video charges at the Taj Mahal monument

    •Tours per the itinerary including options on Day 3

    •Kathak dance performance

    •Local fortuneteller

    •The services of an accompanying Tour Manager from Cochin until Mumbai

    No incluye:

    •Any meals or beverages not listed in the itinerary

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    •Visa fees

    •Excess or overweight luggage fees on flights

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los programas por tierra durante el crucero deben comprarse hasta 90 días antes de la fecha de partida. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation pen


    Gain an extraordinary perspective of the gorgeous Pink City of Jaipur through its architectural highlights and observe iconic wildlife such as Bengal tigers on game drives in a national park.

    Nota Especial: Guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC), CPAP breathing machines or scooters should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    Day 1 — 17 de abril de 2024

    After disembarking the ship in Cochin and attending to immigration and customs formalities, you proceed to the airport.

    There, you will receive a box lunch, pass through security and then fly to Jaipur via Ahmedabad, arriving in the late afternoon. Jaipur is the capital of the desert-like state of Rajasthan, a land rich in legends of romance, chivalry, sacrifice and heroic deeds.

    You will spend the evening and dine at the Jai Mahal Palace, the former residence of the Prime Minister. Its graceful architecture is uniquely Rajput, with cupolas, minarets and arched doorways. Open-air verandahs spill out onto lovely grounds where peacocks strut.

    Day 2 — 18 de abril de 2024

    Join the local residents at dawn as they immerse in a morning Aarti ritual at Govind Dev Ji Temple (also called Krishna Temple). The temple was built in 1735 by the Maharajah Sawai Pratap Singh II and decorated with many beautiful chandeliers and Indian paintings. The building has the world’s largest, single-span flat roof and was positioned so that the Maharajah would enjoy a direct view of it from his palace.

    `Aarti’ is a Sanskrit word for homage or devotion. The aarti or offering of lamps is observed at prescribed hours of the day and night to invoke the gods. It is believed that the gods physically present themselves before devotees at this ceremony. Lamps are revolved before the idol in a clockwise manner along with the chanting of hymns.

    This recitation is accompanied by drums, the blowing of a conch-shell and the tolling of temple bells. At the end of the `aarti’, the priest takes a handful of water, which he revolves around the god's idol to pacify `agni' (the fire god), who is pressed into service in the form of a wick lamp. The lamps themselves are charged with this "presence" and thus after the ceremony devotees collect the fumes and smear their faces with its aroma.

    Following this unique ritual, return to your hotel for breakfast.

    After breakfast, explore the Pink City, where an enduring charisma of the past blends with the throbbing vitality of today. The scholar and astronomer Jai Singh founded Jaipur centuries ago, and it is considered India’s first planned city. It is often called the Pink City for the predominant color of its buildings.

    Among the highlights is Amber Fort, former seat of the Rajput rulers of Jaipur. There, you may wander through the exquisite palaces and visit Shiladevi temple, the private temple of the royal family. Its marble carvings and silver door are spectacular.

    Continuing to old Jaipur, you will visit the Hawa Mahal or the Palace of Winds, a fine example of Rajput artistry. It is constructed of red and pink sandstone, beautifully outlined with white borders and motifs painted with quick lime.

    You will then head toward the City Palace, a sprawling structure surrounded by a high wall. The royal family lives in a portion of the palace. Other areas have been converted into museums displaying textiles, costumes, paintings and carpets.

    Across from the palace, you will find the open-air royal observatory Jantar Mantar, an esteemed World Heritage site. Jai Singh ordered its construction in the 18th century. It contains the world’s largest stone sundial, among other astronomical instruments.

    Return to the hotel for a late lunch after which you will have a 3.5-hour drive through the countryside to the famous tiger sanctuary at Ranthambore. Your stay here is at Taj Vivanta Sawai Madhopur Lodge, former tiger hunting retreat of the Maharaja of Jaipur.

    Dinner and overnight at Taj Vivanta Sawai Madhopur Lodge.

    Day 3 – 19 de abril de 2024

    Coffee, tea and rolls are served at dawn before proceeding on a drive through the park in a Jeep or canter safari vehicle with expert naturalists. They will point out and describe the great diversity of birds, mammals and major predators.

    The deep gorges of Ranthambore serve as hideouts for animals such as leopards, tigers and sloth bears. The forest also provides a natural habitat for spotted deer and sambar, the largest Asiatic deer. Woodland, ground and water birds are plentiful, including red junglefowl. Although Ranthambore was once a hunting ground for Bengal tigers, it has become a research and conservation area for these magnificent animals, especially in the last decade or so.

    The 10th-century Ranthambore Fort that overlooks the reserve is so historically important that UNESCO deemed it a World Heritage site. You may notice various animals resting on its ancient ramparts.

    Return to the resort for breakfast and a morning at leisure.

    In the afternoon, you may choose to visit Dastkar, an extraordinary center for crafts, the majority of them created by women as their sole means of income. The bazaar at Dastkar helps the local villagers become self-reliant, as the craftspeople sell their products independent of a commercial middleman. You will view them creating a huge variety of traditional items by hand.

    Later in the afternoon, you will enjoy a second game drive, exploring yet another area of the national park with a naturalist guide.

    Dinner follows at the lodge, where you will spend the evening.

    Day 4 – 20 de abril de 2024

    Coffee, tea and rolls are served at dawn before returning to the forest for a final game run.

    Return to the lodge for a quick breakfast and then drive back to the Jaipur airport for a flight to Mumbai.

    Lunch is served at Jaipur airport and refreshments are served aloft.

    Once in Mumbai, transfer to the pier to re-board your ship.

    Land Program Step by Step

    el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Los vuelos directos nunca están garantizados. Final itineraries with up-to-date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    Día 1

    10:30am Disembark in Cochin, complete immigration and custom formalities and transfer to the Cochin airport

    11:45am Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security. Lunch boxes are handed out at the airport

    1:15pm Flight Cochin for Jaipur via Ahmedabad (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    5:40pm Upon arrival, transfer to your hotel

    6:30pm Check in

    7:30pm Dinner included at the hotel

    Overnight at the Taj Jai Mahal Palace or similar hotel

    Día 2

    6:30am Visit the Govind Dev (Krishna) Temple to witness the Aarti ceremony

    Tea, coffee, juices and rolls will be served in the hotel lobby prior to departure

    8:00am Breakfast at the hotel

    9:30am Depart for the Amber Fort with a stop at the Hawa Mahal

    11:30am On the return visit the City Palace and Jantar Mantar

    1:30–2:45pm Lunch

    3:00pm Drive to Ranthambore

    6:30pm Arrive and check-in to the lodge

    From 7:30pm Dinner at the lodge

    Overnight at the Taj Sawai Madhopur Lodge or similar hotel

    Día 3

    5:30am Tea, coffee, juices and rolls are served

    6:00am Depart for a morning game drive

    9:30am Return to the lodge for breakfast

    11:00am Visit Dastkar Society

    12:30pm Return to the lodge for lunch and leisure time

    2:30pm Afternoon game drive

    6:000pm Return to the lodge

    From 7:30pm Dinner at the lodge

    Overnight at the Taj Sawai Madhopur Lodge or similar hotel

    Día 4

    5:30am Tea, coffee, juices and bread rolls are served

    6:00am Depart for a morning game drive

    8:00am Return to the lodge for breakfast

    9:00am Checkout and drive back to Jaipur airport

    12:30pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security. Lunch is served at Jaipur airport

    2:00pm Flight Jaipur to Mumbai (flight details TBA and subject to change) Refreshments are served aloft

    3:50pm Arrive Mumbai and transfer to the pier

    5:30pm Arrive at the pier and reboard the ship

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Days are sunny with temperatures between 30 to 35°C (86 to 95°F).

    Qué debe traer:

    Vestimenta informal durante el día. Also, important is sun block, hat, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. At the temples, it is customary to remove your footwear before entering. Don’t forget your cameras and chargers.


    Indian Rupees

    US Dollars are widely accepted.


    220 – 240 volts. Hotel rooms are equipped with converters however we recommend bringing your own travel adaptors for electric devices.


    Light luggage would be most suited for this trip. Guests can bring 1 suitcase per person not weighting more than 15kg or 33lbs as well as 1 carry-on not weighing more than 7kg or 15lbs. Overweight or excess luggage is subject to fees imposed by the airlines and payable upon check in at the airports.

    Airline & type of aircraft that may be used (subject to change):

    Indigo – Airbus A319 – All Economy (upgrades not available)

    Air India – Airbus A319 – All Economy (upgrades not available)

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    A passport that is valid at least 6 months after travel is required

    Please check with your local embassy for any visa requirements for your nationality. A valid Indian Visa is required for this program.

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time or incorrect names on flight tickets will result in either denial of travel or ticket re-purchase and guests will be responsible for any fees incurred.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has its own regulations).

    1. Guests must obtain a doctor’s certificate stating their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications, especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type).

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via the Reservations Team at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which the neither cruise line nor our local ground operator will be responsible for.

    Guests bringing a scooter must advise our reservations team in advance. Details regarding the scooter will be required (as advised to us by the Indian airlines) including the model, model number, a photo, maximum speed, ground clearance, turning radius, overall length and width of the base, seat type, weight, battery weight, battery requirements, maximum range per charge, battery charger information, battery type (detachable or not), maximum weight capacity and color.


    Jai Mahal Palace

    Jacob Rd, Civil Lines, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302006, India

    Teléfono: +91 141 222 3636

    Taj Vivanta Sawai Madhopur Lodge

    Ranthambore National Park Road, Sawai Madhopur - 322001

    Teléfono: (+91-7462) 225155

    *We will only substitute a hotel in unforeseen situations. If a hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards, and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes prior to departure, the hotels listed in this program will be used.

    El programa incluye

    •1 night at the Jai Mahal Palace, Jaipur or similar hotel in a luxury room

    2 nights at the Taj Vivanta Sawai Madhopur Lodge, Ranthambore or similar hotel in a superior room

    •Transfers using air-conditioned coaches in Cochin and Mumbai along with a guide

    •All meals listed in the itinerary with lunches and dinners inclusive of house wines, beer, bottled water and soft drinks

    •Sightseeing per the itinerary in air-conditioned coaches

    •Up to 3 game drives in Ranthambore in Jeeps accompanied by naturalist guides

    •Unlimited mineral water in the coaches at all times

    •All entrance and camera fees wherever applicable

    •Local tour escort from Cochin to Mumbai

    •Economy-class flights between Cochin, Jaipur and Mumbai (direct flights not guaranteed).

    El Programa No Incluye lo Siguiente:

    •Additional meals or beverages not listed above

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    •Indian Visa

    •Excess or overweight luggage fees

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel or natural paths. There may be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Mid-cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 60 days prior to your sail date. Las cancelaciones realizadas 60 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


    Fly to Aurangabad to explore India’s most extraordinary cave temples carved out of sheer rock—the caves of Ajanta, where Buddhist monks once lived, and the Ellora Caves, which three different religious groups occupied.

    Nota Especial: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    Due to the amount of walking, at times on uneven surfaces, this program is not recommended for anyone with walking difficulty or if a cane, walker or wheelchair are used.

    Day 1 – Saturday, 30 mar

    After disembarking the ship in Cochin, you will transfer to the airport for a flight to Mumbai. En-route you will have a city tour of Cochin and lunch at a local hotel. Your bags will be transported to the airport in a separate baggage van for an advance check-in.

    Upon arrival in Mumbai, you will be met and transferred to your hotel for the evening. Dinner is included.

    Day 2 – Sunday, 31 de marzo de 2024

    Early in the morning, a light continental breakfast is served in the lobby prior to transferring to the airport for a flight to Aurangabad.

    At the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security. Refreshments are served on board the flight.

    Upon arrival in Aurangabad, transfer to your hotel for breakfast and use the facilities.

    After breakfast, drive into the countryside towards the Ajanta Caves. In the early 19th Century, a group of British officers accidentally came upon these caves, which were buried under debris and screened by foliage. The first of these caves was hollowed out from the site of the cliff in the 2nd century B.C.

    Strung out in a sweeping horseshoe shape in an inner fold of the hills, the caves were a secluded retreat for Buddhist monastic orders and yet offered easy access to the trade routes that swung past here to the coast. With little more than hammers and chisels, the monks painstakingly and slowly created underground shrines, chapels and monasteries, where they lived, taught and carried out ritual performances. The 30 caves of Ajanta, some unfinished, span a period of 800 years and contain numerous images of the Buddha.

    A packed lunch prepared by your hotel is served before returning to the hotel.

    The evening is at leisure with an option to revisit the Aurangabad town.

    Dinner is included at your hotel

    Day 3 – Monday, 1 de abril de 2024

    After breakfast at your hotel, you drive into the picturesque hills to the north and visit the Ellora Caves. This magnificent UNESCO World Heritage site contains 34 Hindu, Jain and Buddhist caves cut into volcanic lava cliffs.

    The once-abandoned, more than 2,000-year-old caves lie near an ancient trade route and are believed to be the work of priests and craftsmen who used the route. The carvings, ornamentation and frescoes inside tell the stories of how these three religions evolved.

    The most marvelous cave temple is Kailash. The world’s largest monolithic sculpture, it was sculpted out of a rock by 7,000 laborers over a 150-year period. The story of its construction is inscribed on the copper plate grant of King Krishna I, under whose patronage the temple was carved. Architecturally and sculpturally, art historians consider this to be the finest cave temple in the world.

    Following your exploration of the Ellora Caves, you will return to the hotel for lunch and some time at leisure.

    In the afternoon visit the revered Bibi Ka Maqbara tomb, known as the Black Taj because it is so similar to the Taj Mahal in Agra. Also visit a Himroo weaving workshop, where fine shawls, sarees and textiles are produced. Himroo merchandise was originally woven with pure gold and silver threads for royal families.

    Upon returning to the hotel, dinner in included.

    Note on walking and steps:

    Ajanta Caves are carved into the side of a hill range. From the bottom, it takes 105 steps to get to the top which is typically an easy climb for anyone without walking difficulty. Once at the top, there is a gradual walk from one cave to the next. For guests with difficulties, our local operator can arrange Palanquins (a conveyance usually for one person that consists of an enclosed litter borne on the shoulders of men by means of poles) up and down as well as from one cave to the next, if necessary.

    Ellora Caves are on ground level over a spread-out area. Battery buses shuttle between caves. The only place where a climb is encountered is at the Kailash Temple where there are easy steps however once again those with walking difficulties can be carried up and down.

    Day 4 – Tuesday, 2 de abril de 2024

    Coffee, tea and juices are served in the lobby prior to transferring to the airport for an early morning flight to Mumbai. Upon arrival at airport, receive your boarding passes and proceed through security.

    Breakfast will be served on the flight.

    Arriving in Mumbai, you will be met and transferred to the pier with an overview of the city en-route.

    AVISO: Pending confirmed flight details, this program has been planned so that World Cruise Guestss will be back in time for the planned event in Mumbai.

    Programa terrestre paso a paso:

    Aviso: el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Los vuelos directos nunca están garantizados. El equipo de Servicios en Destino le proporcionará los itinerarios finales con los detalles más actualizados una vez que usted esté a bordo del barco. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    Day 1 - times are subject to change based on actual flight details once confirmed. Below is a sample itinerary

    9:00am The ship is scheduled to arrive in Mangalore

    9:30am After clearing immigration and custom formalities, transfer to the airport with an overview of the city

    12:00pm Arrive at an airport hotel for lunch

    1:30pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    3:00pm Depart Cochin by Indigo Airlines flight for Mumbai (Flight details TBA and subject to change)

    Refreshments are served aloft

    5:00pm Arrive in Mumbai and transfer to your hotel

    6:00pm Arrive at the hotel and check-in

    7:30pm Cena en el hotel

    Overnight at the Taj Land’s End Hotel or similar hotel

    Day 2 - times are subject to change based on actual flight details once confirmed. Below is a sample itinerary

    4:00am Tea, coffee and rolls served in the lobby

    4:30am Transfer to the airport for the Indigo Airlines flight to Aurangabad

    5:00am Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    6:25am Flight departs for Aurangabad (flight details TBA and subject to change)Refreshments served aloft

    7:30am Arrive Aurangabad and transfer to your hotel

    8:30am Arrive at the hotel for breakfast and use the facilities

    9:30am Drive to the Ajanta Caves

    12:00pm Arrive and visit the Caves

    2:00pm A packed lunch is served before returning to the hotel

    6:00pm Arrive at the hotel

    From 7:30pm Dinner

    Overnight at the Taj Vivanta or similar hotel

    Día 3

    From 7:00am Breakfast is served at the hotel

    8:30am Proceed to the Ellora Caves

    9:30am Arrive and visit the Caves

    12:30pm Return to your hotel

    1:30pm Arrive at the hotel for a late lunch

    1:30 – 4:00pm Lunch and leisure time

    From 4:00pm Sightseeing of Aurangabad city including Bibi-ka-Maqbara (the Black Taj and the

    Himroo Weaving workshop

    6:30pm Return to your hotel

    From 7:30pm Dinner at the hotel

    Overnight at the Taj Vivanta or similar hotel

    Day 4 - times are subject to change based on actual flight details once confirmed. Below is a sample itinerary

    5:15am Tea, coffee and juices are served in the lobby

    6:00am Transfer to the airport

    6:30am Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    8:00am Depart Aurangabad by Indigo Airlines for Mumbai (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    Breakfast is served aloft

    8:50am Arrive in Mumbai and transfer to the pier with an overview of the city en-route

    1:00pm Approximate arrival at the pier to re-board your ship

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Days are sunny with temperatures between 30 to 35°C (86 to 95°F).

    Qué debe traer:

    Vestimenta informal durante el día. Sun block, hat, shades and comfortable walking shoes are important.

    At the Caves, it is customary to remove your footwear before entering.


    US Dollars are widely accepted.


    220 – 240 volts. Hotel rooms are equipped with converters however we recommend brining your own international travel adaptor for electric devices just in case.


    Light luggage would be most suited for this trip.

    A maximum of 1 checked suitcase per person is permitted free of charge (15 kg or 33 lbs) and one carry-on (7 kg or 15 lbs). Anything over this allowance will be subject to fees imposed by the airline and payable by guests at check in for each flight.

    Airline & type of aircraft (subject to change):

    Indigo Airlines – Airbus A320

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via the Reservations Team at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which the cruise line nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    A passport that is valid at least 6 months after travel is required as well as an Indian Visa

    Please check with your local embassy for any special visa requirements for your nationality

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time or incorrect names on flight tickets will result in either denial of travel or ticket re-purchase and guests will be responsible for any fees incurred.



    Taj Lands End

    Byramji Jeejeebhoy Road, Bandstand, Bandra (West), Mumbai, 400050

    Teléfono: +91 22-6668-1234


    Taj Vivanta Aurangabad

    8 N 12, CIDCO, Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Marg, Rauza Bagh, Aurangabad, Maharashtra - 431003

    Teléfono: +91 240 6613737

    *We will only substitute a hotel in unforeseen situations. If a hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes before departure, then the hotels listed in this program will be used.

    El programa incluye:

    •1 night at the Taj Lands End in a Deluxe Room

    •2 nights at the Taj Vivanta in a Deluxe Delight Room

    •All meals with dinner and lunch inclusive of house wines, beer, mineral water, sodas

    •Packed lunch during the excursion to Ajanta Caves

    •Transfers and sightseeing as indicated in the itinerary using an air-conditioned deluxe bus

    •Unlimited mineral water will be provided in the bus at all times

    •Economy class flights Cochin - Mumbai – Aurangabad – Mumbai (direct flights not guaranteed)

    •Entrance fees and camera charges at the monuments

    •Accompanying local Tour Manager throughout the program

    No incluye:

    •Gratuities to drives, guides and tour manager

    •Indian Visa fee

    •Any meals or beverages not listed in the itinerary

    • Servicios imprevistos del hotel, incluidos el minibar y el servicio a la habitación

    •Excess or overweight luggage fees

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los programas por tierra durante el crucero deben comprarse hasta 60 días antes de la fecha de partida. Las cancelaciones realizadas 60 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


    Gain an extraordinary perspective of the gorgeous Pink City of Jaipur through its architectural highlights and observe iconic wildlife such as Bengal tigers on game drives in a national park.

    Nota Especial: Guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC), CPAP breathing machines or scooters should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    Day 1 — 30 de marzo de 2024

    After disembarking the ship in Cochin and attending to immigration and customs formalities, you will visit some of the city highlights before proceeding to the airport.

    There, you will receive a box lunch, pass through security and then fly to Jaipur via Bangalore, arriving in the late afternoon. Jaipur is the capital of the desert-like state of Rajasthan, a land rich in legends of romance, chivalry, sacrifice and heroic deeds.

    You will spend the evening and dine at the Jai Mahal Palace, the former residence of the Prime Minister. Its graceful architecture is uniquely Rajput, with cupolas, minarets and arched doorways. Open-air verandahs spill out onto lovely grounds where peacocks strut.

    Day 2 — 31 de marzo de 2024

    Following breakfast, explore the Pink City, where an enduring charisma of the past blends with the throbbing vitality of today. The scholar and astronomer Jai Singh founded Jaipur centuries ago, and it is considered India’s first planned city. It is often called the Pink City for the predominant color of its buildings.

    Among the highlights is Amber Fort, former seat of the Rajput rulers of Jaipur. There, you may wander through the exquisite palaces and visit Shiladevi temple, the private temple of the royal family. Its marble carvings and silver door are spectacular.

    Continuing to old Jaipur, you will visit the Hawa Mahal or the Palace of Winds, a fine example of Rajput artistry. It is constructed of red and pink sandstone, beautifully outlined with white borders and motifs painted with quick lime.

    You will then head toward the City Palace, a sprawling structure surrounded by a high wall. The royal family lives in a portion of the palace. Other areas have been converted into museums displaying textiles, costumes, paintings and carpets.

    Across from the palace, you will find the open-air royal observatory Jantar Mantar, an esteemed World Heritage site. Jai Singh ordered its construction in the 18th century. It contains the world’s largest stone sundial, among other astronomical instruments.

    Return to the hotel for a late lunch after which you will have a 3.5 hour drive through the countryside to the famous tiger sanctuary at Ranthambore. Your stay here is at Taj Sawai Madhopur Lodge, former tiger hunting retreat of the Maharaja of Jaipur.

    Dinner and overnight at Taj Sawai Madhopur Lodge.

    Day 3 – 1 de abril de 2024

    Coffee, tea and rolls are served at dawn before proceeding on a drive through the park in a Jeep or canter safari vehicle with expert naturalists. They will point out and describe the great diversity of birds, mammals and major predators.

    The deep gorges of Ranthambore serve as hideouts for animals such as leopards, tigers and sloth bears. The forest also provides a natural habitat for spotted deer and sambar, the largest Asiatic deer. Woodland, ground and water birds are plentiful, including red junglefowl. Although Ranthambore was once a hunting ground for Bengal tigers, it has become a research and conservation area for these magnificent animals, especially in the last decade or so.

    The 10th-century Ranthambore Fort that overlooks the reserve is so historically important that UNESCO deemed it a World Heritage site. You may notice various animals resting on its ancient ramparts.

    Return to the resort for breakfast and a morning at leisure.

    In the afternoon, you may choose to visit Dastkar, an extraordinary center for crafts, the majority of them created by women as their sole means of income. The bazaar at Dastkar helps the local villagers become self-reliant, as the craftspeople sell their products independent of a commercial middleman. You will view them creating a huge variety of traditional items by hand.

    Later in the afternoon, you will enjoy a second game drive, exploring yet another area of the national park with a naturalist guide.

    Dinner follows at the lodge, where you will spend the evening.

    Day 4 – 2 de abril de 2024

    After an early breakfast and check-out from the hotel, you will drive to the airport for a flight to Mumbai. Lunch is served on the flight.

    Upon arrival in Mumbai you are met and transferred to the port to re-embark the ship.

    AVISO: Pending confirmed flight details, this program has been planned so that World Cruise Guestss will be back in time for the planned event in Mumbai.

    Land Program Step by Step

    el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Los vuelos directos nunca están garantizados. Final itineraries with up-to-date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    Día 1

    9:00am The ship is scheduled to arrive in Cochin

    9:30am Disembark, complete immigration and custom formalities and transfer to the Cochin airport with an overview of the city en-route

    12:30pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    Lunch boxes are handed out at the airport

    2:25pm Depart Cochin for Jaipur making a stop en-route in Bangalore (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    7:00pm Upon arrival, transfer to your hotel

    8:00pm Check in

    8:30pm Dinner included at the hotel

    Overnight at the Taj Jai Mahal Palace or similar hotel

    Día 2

    From 6:30am Breakfast at the hotel

    8:00am Depart for the Amber Fort with a stop at the Hawa Mahal

    10:30am On the return visit the City Palace and Jantar Mantar

    12- 1:15pm Explore the Jaipur markets

    1:30–2:45pm Lunch

    2:45pm Drive to Ranthambore

    6:15pm Arrive and check-in to the lodge

    7:30pm Dinner at the lodge

    Overnight at the Taj Sawai Madhopur Lodge or similar hotel

    Día 3

    5:30am Tea, coffee, juices and rolls are served

    6:00am Depart for a morning game drive

    9:30am Return to the lodge for breakfast

    11:00am Visit Dastkar Society

    12:30pm Return to the lodge for lunch and leisure time

    2:30pm Afternoon game drive

    6:30pm Return to the lodge

    From 7:30pm Dinner at the lodge

    Overnight at the Taj Sawai Madhopur Lodge or similar hotel

    Día 4

    From 5:30am Breakfast at the hotel

    7:00am Checkout and drive to Jaipur airport

    10:30am Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    12:10pm Flight to Mumbai (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    Lunch is served on board the flight

    1:50pm Arrive in Mumbai and transfer to the pier

    3:30pm Arrive at the pier and rejoin the Mariner

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Days are sunny and hot with temperatures between 25 to 35°C (77 to 95°F)

    Qué debe traer:

    Vestimenta informal durante el día. Also, important is sun block, hat, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. At the temples, it is customary to remove your footwear before entering. Don’t forget your cameras and chargers.


    Indian Rupees

    US Dollars are widely accepted.


    220 – 240 volts. Hotel rooms are equipped with converters however we recommend bringing your own travel adaptors for electric devices.


    Light luggage would be most suited for this trip. Guests can bring 1 suitcase per person not weighting more than 15kg or 33lbs as well as 1 carry-on not weighing more than 7kg or 15lbs. Overweight or excess luggage is subject to fees imposed by the airlines and payable upon check in at the airports.

    Airline & type of aircraft that may be used (subject to change):

    Indigo – Airbus A319 – All Economy class seats (upgrades not available)

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    A passport that is valid at least 6 months after travel is required

    Please check with your local embassy for any visa requirements for your nationality. A valid Indian Visa is required for this program.

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time or incorrect names on flight tickets will result in either denial of travel or ticket re-purchase and guests will be responsible for any fees incurred.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has its own regulations).

    1. Guests must obtain a doctor’s certificate stating their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications, especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type).

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via the Reservations Team at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which the neither cruise line nor our local ground operator will be responsible for.

    Guests bringing a scooter must advise our reservations team in advance. Details regarding the scooter will be required (as advised to us by the Indian airlines) including the model, model number, a photo, maximum speed, ground clearance, turning radius, overall length and width of the base, seat type, weight, battery weight, battery requirements, maximum range per charge, battery charger information, battery type (detachable or not), maximum weight capacity and color.


    Jai Mahal Palace

    Jacob Rd, Civil Lines, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302006, India

    Teléfono: +91 141 222 3636

    Taj Sawai Madhopur Lodge

    Ranthambore National Park Road, Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan 322001, India

    Teléfono: +91 7462 225 155

    *We will only substitute a hotel in unforeseen situations. If a hotel is substituted, it will be similar and with equal ratings and standards, and guests will be notified in advance. If guests are not notified of any changes prior to departure, the hotels listed in this program will be used.

    El programa incluye

    •1 night at the Jai Mahal Palace, Jaipur or similar hotel in luxury rooms

    •2 nights at the Taj Sawai Madhopur Lodge, Ranthambore or similar hotel in superior rooms

    •Transfers using air-conditioned coaches in Cochin and Mumbai along with a guide.

    •All meals listed in the itinerary with lunches and dinners inclusive of house wines, beer, bottled water and soft drinks

    •Sightseeing per the itinerary in air-conditioned coaches

    •2 game drives in Ranthambore in Jeeps accompanied by naturalist guides

    •Unlimited mineral water in the coaches at all times

    •All entrance and camera fees wherever applicable

    •Local tour escort from Cochin to Mumbai

    •Economy-class flights between Cochin, Jaipur and Mumbai (direct flights not guaranteed).

    El Programa No Incluye lo Siguiente:

    •Additional meals or beverages not listed above

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    •Indian Visa

    •Excess or overweight luggage fees

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel or natural paths. There may be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Mid-cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 60 days prior to your sail date. Las cancelaciones realizadas 60 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


    Nota Especial: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC), CPAP breathing machines or scooters should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour. The program is manageable for guests with mobility restrictions as long as they are travelling with someone to assist. Guests must be able to get on and off the tour coaches with little to no assistance. There will be various steps to negotiate at the hotels and sites visited (2-30 steps) and wheelchair ramps are not always available although most sites have them. Only the base of the Taj Mahal mausoleum is accessible to wheelchairs.

    DAY 1 - 15 de abril de 2027

    Disembark the ship in Cochin, complete immigration and customs formalities, meet your guide and transfer to the airport for a flight to Amritsar via Delhi. A boxed lunch will be served at the Cochin airport and light refreshments will be served during the flight.

    Amritsar, which means “Pool of the Nectar of Immortality” (named after the sacred pool in the Golden Temple) was founded in 1577 on a site donated by the great Mughal Emperor Akbar. It became an important junction on the Old Silk Trading Route, bringing with it a presence of different peoples; Yarkandis, Turkomans, Kashmiris, Tibetans and Iranians. These days it is the second largest town in India’s northern State of Punjab.

    Arriving in Amritsar, collect your luggage and transfer to your centrally located hotel for dinner and overnight.

    Dinner and overnight.

    DAY 2 - 16 de abril de 2027

    After breakfast, depart for a visit to the Golden Temple.

    The name Golden Temple comes from the gold-coloured lining of the building from its copper cupolas down to the marble walls. The temple, always celebrated for its riches, has been plundered several times over the centuries. Despite the splendour, an atmosphere of deep religiousness envelops the place.

    Called Darbar Sahib which means Court of the Lord, the temple best exemplifies Indo-Moslem art. Begun in 1574, it stands in the centre of an enormous pool circled by steps and wings of buildings. Delicate inlay work of ivory and mirror and elegantly moulded stucco come together to create an extravagant and opulent interior.

    An essential part of the temple is the ‘Langar’ or public kitchen, where free food is prepared and served to at least fifty thousand worshippers every day; an expression of the Sikh belief that “nothing is more important than Seva or service in the realisation of brotherhood.

    Mounds of flour are kneaded by muscular young men, while a group of women roll the dough into balls, flattened and tossed into a giant griddle, almost ten feet in diameter to make rotis or bread which then get transported in conveyor belts. All the food and fuel in the Langar comes from offerings that are donated by pilgrims and wealthy benefactors. Each devotee contributes his or her share of the work. The Sikh religion has always emphasized the importance of community service, and within the temple precincts there is an atmosphere of collective harmony.

    After this enlightening visit, return to your hotel for lunch.

    The afternoon is at leisure with options for spa treatments at the hotel (additional cost). However, you can also decide with your guide to explore the marketplace.

    After an early dinner, revisit the Golden Temple to witness the daily ‘Night Ritual” when the `Holy Book’ is reverently closed and put to bed after final evening prayers. It is carried in a silver palanquin to an adjacent building known as Akal Takht, seat of the ‘Sikh’ religious order. The floors of the temple are then washed with milk and water before its doors are shut. At dawn, the Holy Book is carried back to the Golden Temple.

    Return to your hotel where the remainder of the evening is at your leisure.

    DAY 3 - 17 de abril de 2027

    A continental breakfast is served before transferring to the airport for a flight to Delhi. Light refreshments will be served during the flight.

    On arrival, proceed on a scenic drive to Agra via the new Yamuna Expressway. Sit back, relax and take in the vistas of India’s vast rural farming countryside along the way. A rest stop will be made along the way and a packed breakfast will be served during the drive.

    Agra, donde se encuentra el Taj Mahal, fue una de las grandes ciudades del sur de Asia. Con la llegada de los mogoles en 1526, dirigidos por Babur, Agra ingresó en una era completamente diferente durante los reinos de los emperadores Akbar, Jehangir y Shah Jahan. Akbar la convirtió en un gran centro de educación, arte, comercio y cultura. Sus bazares cosmopolitas y su ubicación estratégica a orillas del río Yamuna la convirtieron en un importante centro para el imperio.

    Arriving in Agra, check in and enjoy lunch and some time at leisure at your hotel.

    This evening, visit the Taj Mahal - the ivory gate which all dreams pass. A lacy white grandeur, perhaps the most perfect architectural monument accomplished. Amazingly graceful from any angle, it is the close-up detail which is really astounding. At dusk the monument appears to change its hue, tinted by the glow of the setting sun.

    Return to your hotel for dinner and overnight.

    DAY 4 - 18 de abril de 2027

    Coffee, tea, juices and bread rolls served in the lobby prior to departing for the Taj Mahal at sunrise, as the early rays of the sun cast upon the pearl-white tomb.

    Return to your hotel for breakfast which is followed by the morning and afternoon at leisure, or you may opt to participate in one of the below included options:

    Opciones por la mañana:

    •See the World Heritage Agra Fort, credited to Emperor Akbar, India’s great visionary. Sus hijos y herederos hicieron su aporte a esta imponente estructura ubicada a orillas del río Yamuna. The astonishing palaces, mosques and audience halls contained within its massive walls of red sandstone became once more a monumental mission of the Mughal Empire embellished by the artistic fusion of Islamic and Hindu traditions.

    •Visit the Tomb of Itmad-Ud-Daulah in the old city, the first Mughal structure pioneering the extensive use

    of `pietra dura’, the inlay work of marble, so characteristic of the Taj Mahal. Este mausoleo es pequeño y bajo si se lo compara con el Taj Mahal, pero sus dimensiones más humanas tienen un encanto especial y la superficie de la tumba hábilmente dibujada es francamente magnífica.

    Regreso al hotel para el almuerzo.

    Opciones vespertinas:

    •Visit the Tomb of Itmad-Ud-Daulah in the old city as described above

    •There are options to browse shops such as Kohinoor, jewelers to the mughal court, featured in National Geographic. Old emerald necklaces, enamel jewelry and embroidery form part of their private collection. The Marble Inlay factories steeped in this decorative art culture are also a specialty of Agra.

    •At the hotel, Agra’s leading astrologer will be available for consultation. Appointments for an analysis of your personal horoscope can be made at the Regent Hospitality desk.

    Prior to dinner enjoy a short cultural show featuring the classical dance form of Kathak. This royal courtroom dance arose from the fusion of Hindu and Muslim cultures during the Mughal era. It is characterized by rhythmic footwork, spectacular spins, mime and gestures that are a dramatic representation of themes from Persian poetry synthesized with Hindu mythology.

    After dinner the remainder of the evening is at your leisure.

    DAY 5 - 19 de abril de 2027

    After an early breakfast, drive back to Delhi for a flight to Mumbai. A rest stop will be made along the way. Light

    refreshments will be served on the bus and lunch will be served on the flight.

    Upon arrival in Mumbai, transfer to the pier and re-board the ship.

    Programa terrestre paso a paso:

    Aviso: el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Los vuelos directos nunca están garantizados. El equipo de Servicios en Destino le proporcionará los itinerarios finales con los detalles más actualizados una vez que usted esté a bordo del barco. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    DÍA 1

    10:00am Disembark in Cochin, clear immigration and custom formalities, transfer to the airport

    12:00pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    Box lunch served at Cochin airport

    2:00pm Flight from Cochin to Amritsar via Delhi (flight details TBA and subject to change) Light refreshments served during the flight

    5:20pm Arrive in Delhi and connect to a flight to Amritsar

    8:20pm Flight from Delhi to Amritsar (flight details TBA and subject to change) Light refreshments served during the flight

    9:25pm Arrive in Amritsar and transfer to your hotel

    10:30pm Arrive at the hotel, dinner and check-in

    Overnight at the Taj Amritsar or similar hotel

    DÍA 2

    Desde las 7:00 h: Desayuno en el hotel

    9:00am Visit the Golden Temple followed the Langar (Community Kitchen)

    12:30pm Return to your hotel for lunch and time at leisure

    3:30pm The guide and vehicle are available to explore the colorful markets

    7:00pm Early dinner at the hotel

    8:30pm Return to the Golden Temple and witness the Night Ceremony

    TBA Return to your hotel

    Overnight at the Taj Amritsar or similar hotel

    DÍA 3

    5:00am Continental breakfast is served

    5:30am Transfer to the airport for a flight to Delhi

    6:00am Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    7:35am Flight from Amritsar to Delhi (flight details TBA and subject to change) Light refreshments are served during the flight

    8:45am Arrive in Delhi and drive to Agra, packed breakfast served along the way

    1:30pm Arrive in Agra for lunch, check-in and time at leisure

    4:30pm Visit Taj Mahal for sunset

    From 7:00pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Courtyard by Marriott or similar hotel

    DÍA 4

    5:45am Continental breakfast is served

    6:30am Sunrise visit of the Taj Mahal

    From 7:00am Breakfast is served at the hotel

    Opciones por la mañana:

    9:00-12:30 (a) Tour of Agra Fort

    9:00-12:30 (b) Tour of Itmad-Ud-Daulah.

    12:30 – 15:00 Lunch at the hotel and time at leisure

    Opciones vespertinas:

    3:00-17:30 (a) Tour of Itmad-Ud-Daulah.

    3:00-5:30pm (b) Shopping shuttle on the hour to the marble inlay factory and local markets.

    3:00-5:30pm (c) Appointments with Agra’s famous astrologer

    7:00pm Classical Kathak dance performance at the hotel

    From 7:30pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Courtyard by Marriott or similar hotel

    DÍA 5

    From 5:00am Breakfast

    6:30am Drive back to the Delhi airport for a flight to Mumbai

    Light refreshments served on the flight

    10:30am Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    12:30pm Flight from Delhi to Mumbai (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    Lunch served during the flight

    2:40pm Arrive in Mumbai and transfer to the pier

    5:00pm Arrive and re-board the ship

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Days are sunny and hot with temperatures between 30° to 35°C (86° to 95°F). The evenings are a bit cooler between 25° to 30°C (77° to 86°F).

    Qué debe traer:

    Casual cotton wear for the day. Also, bring sun block, hats, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. At the temples in Amritsar footwear is to be removed, socks will be provided.

    As the Taj Mahal is a mausoleum, certain religious customs must be observed. Como señal de respeto, se acostumbra quitarse el calzado antes de entrar. Ladies should avoid wearing tank tops or any top with spaghetti straps, as well as short shorts. Knee-length shorts are acceptable for men and women.


    Indian Rupees

    US Dollars are widely accepted


    The electric voltage in India is 220 – 240 volts. We recommend bringing your own universal travel adapter for electric devices

    Proposed Aircraft type (subject to change):

    Air India – Airbus A319 – All Economy seats

    IndiGo : Airbus 320 – All Economy seats

    Luggage information

    For the flights on this program, guests are permitted to check in a maximum of 1 suitcase per person not to weigh more than 15kg (33 lbs). One carry on is permitted with a maximum weight of 7 kgs (15 lbs). Any luggage exceeding this amount will be subject to fees payable by the guest directly to the airline at the time of check-in.


    Power banks and electronic equipment must be carried in hand luggage, not permitted in checked luggage

    No sharp items are permitted in hand luggage i.e. scissor, nail cutter/file, razors

    Liquids more than 100 ml are not permitted in hand luggage

    Satellite phones and E-cigarettes are banned in India and need to be left on board the ship

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights in India (as per Airline regulations):

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least 1 month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Guests brining a scooter will need to advise our Reservations team in advance. Specific details regarding the scooter will be required (as advised to us by the Indian airlines) including model, model number, a photo, maximum speed, ground clearance, turning radius, overall length & width of the base, seat type, weight, battery weight, battery requirements, maximum range per charge, battery charger information, battery type (detachable or not), maximum weight capacity, color.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    It is essential to have a valid Indian Visa in advance of this trip.

    Guests must bring their passport with them

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time will result in denial of travel and guests will have to pay for any expenses incurred in order to not proceed with the program.

    The above information is subject to change and serves as a guide only. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our guests that it is the ultimate and sole responsibility of the guest to ensure they meet the entry requirements for each destination.

    If traveling internationally, the countries you are flying to and/ or connecting through may have different document requirements and as such we encourage you to visit the government and airport websites of every country you will be traveling to throughout the journey to familiarize yourself with their requirements for your nationality.


    Taj Swarna

    Outer Circular Road, Opp. Basant Avenue, Amritsar, Punjab – 143001

    Phone : (+91-183) 6658000

    Courtyard Agra

    Taj Nagri, Phase II, Fatehabad Road, Agra – 282001

    Teléfono: (+91-562) 2457777

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. Si se requieren hoteles similares, tendrán la misma clasificación y estándares, y le notificaremos acerca del cambio. Si no se le notifican cambios antes de la salida, se alojará en los hoteles que figuran en este programa.

    El programa incluye:

    •2 nights at the Taj Swarna including breakfast – Deluxe room

    •2 nights at the Courtyard Agra including breakfasts – Deluxe room

    •Transfers, sightseeing and road journeys using air-conditioned deluxe coaches

    •Unlimited mineral water will be provided in the bus

    •Lunches and dinners inclusive of house wines, beer, mineral water, sodas

    •Economy class flights per the itinerary - Direct flights are not guaranteed

    •Entrance fees and camera and video charges

    •Kathak dance performance

    •Local fortuneteller

    •The services of an accompanying Tour Manager throughout the entire program

    No incluye:

    •Any meals or beverages not listed in the itinerary

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    •Excess or overweight luggage

    •Indian visa

    •Optional hotel services (I.e. Spa)

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los programas por tierra durante el crucero deben comprarse hasta 90 días antes de la fecha de partida. Las cancelaciones realizadas 90 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


    Explore the key attractions in and around Nepal’s capital of Kathmandu, many of them World Heritage Sites, including temples, royal cities and other architectural treasures.

    Nota Especial: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    Due to the amount of walking, at times on uneven surfaces, this program is not recommended for anyone with walking difficulty or if a cane, walker or wheelchair are used.

    Day 1 – 17 de abril de 2024

    After clearing immigration and Customs in Cochin, you will transfer to the airport and fly to Bangalore. A lunch box is served at the Banglaore airport while in transit.

    Upon arriving, you will be assisted for a connecting flight to Kathmandu. Dinner is served on the flight.

    In Kathmandu, you will be assisted with visa issuance and baggage collection.

    AVISO: Please have on hand 1 passport sized photo for the Nepal Visa - Your tour manager will collect this from you in flight.

    Home to eight of the world’s 10 tallest peaks, the tiny kingdom of Nepal is ringed by the Himalayas. It is a land of contrasts, harboring a wealth of Buddhist and Hindu art and architecture. Nepal’s colorful capital city Kathmandu reflects 2,000 years of peaceful co-existence and exudes a unique blend of Hinduism and Buddhism, which is distinctly Nepalese in character.

    Nepal has eight World Heritage sites and has won two Heritage Awards, one for the city of Bhaktapur and the other for the Dwarika’s Hotel, where you will spend the evening.

    Described as a “living, breathing museum, displaying Nepal’s best craftsmanship from the 13th century,” the hotel rooms and public areas at Dwarika’s Hotel reflect medieval architectural traditions. Every brick is handmade, every piece of wood original and centuries old.

    Day 2 – 18 de abril de 2024

    Early in the morning, you will transfer to the airport for a flight-seeing excursion (weather permitting), soaring over glacier-clad, cloud-shrouded peaks and other landscapes around Mount Everest. Afterwards, you will return to the hotel for breakfast.

    Following breakfast, you will have some time at leisure and before noon you will drive to the Traditional Inn in Patan for lunch. After lunch you will visit Patan, one of three royal cities in the valley. Commissioned by India’s great emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century, this World Heritage Site within four stupas is known as the City of Fine Arts.

    The temples around the main square are impressive as is the Patan Museum, which is housed within a picturesque palace setting. In an international campaign by UNESCO for safeguarding monuments in Kathmandu Valley, the Austrian government joined hands with Nepal to restore and preserve Patan.

    Newari architectural style blossomed in the form of temples, palaces, residences and squares between the 12th and 18th centuries, representing a timelessness in Nepalese architecture and its definitive characteristics, often guided by religious and socio-cultural norms.

    You will enjoy a cup of tea in a 150-year-old restored Newari home. Its ground level is for daily activities and storage, while the floors above contain living spaces and bedrooms. The top floor serves as the family shrine and cooking and dining area.

    Next, you will see Patan’s Living Goddess, who typically acknowledges greetings of devotees from the balcony of her temple residence. Known as kumaris, Nepal’s living goddesses live in seclusion and rarely speak in public.

    After a private audience with the goddess it’s on to the Singing Bowl workshops. According to the oral traditions, singing bowls were brought to Nepal from India in the 8th century along with Buddha’s teachings. The Nepalese were expert bronze makers which allowed them to perfect these bowls which are commonly used as a tool for meditation. The beautiful rich tones the bowls produce are thought to help achieve a state of deep relaxation.

    There’s time for individual exploration before departing for Thamel - Kathmandu’s hip street. Pulsating Thamel has become a world address for international trekkers, mountaineers and curio shoppers looking for a bargain.

    Transfer to and enjoy drinks and dinner at a local favorite “Sam’s One Tree Café”. Following dinner the group returns to the hotel for the evening.

    Day 3 – 19 de abril de 2024

    After breakfast, you will drive to the World Heritage city of Bhadgaon, also known as Bhaktapur. Founded in the 9th century, Bhaktapur, also known as the City of Devotees, is revered for its medieval art and architecture. As you meander around Durbar Square, you will see the 55 Window Palace and Nyatapola temple, considered to be the finest example of Pagoda-style architecture.

    Following lunch at Kathmandu’s popular Chez Caroline Café, you will return to the hotel.

    Later, you will visit the great Stupa at Bodhnath, one of the largest of its kind in the world. Constructed in the 14th century, the stupa is built on an octagonal base, inset with prayer wheels. Bodhnath is also a center of the Tibetan community in Nepal, where you will visit a monastery and interact with a senior monk. A visit is also made to the Thangka Painting Studio, which renowned artist Lok Chitrakar founded. The sacred art form of Thangkas is a visual interpretation of Buddhist and Hindu philosophies that date from before the 7th century C.E.

    You will then visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Pashupatinath, one of the holiest Hindu temples and a major pilgrimage site dedicated to the god Shiva. Situated within a natural setting on the bank of the sacred Bagmati River, the temple features a pagoda style, a gilded roof and a richly carved silver door.

    After watching the Aarti prayer offering ceremony at the temple, you will return to the hotel to spend the evening. Dinner is included at your hotel.

    Day 4 - 20 de abril de 2024

    Enjoy breakfast at your hotel and the morning is at leisure.

    Later, after a light lunch in the Courtyard, you will transfer to the airport for the flight from Kathmandu to Mumbai. Upon arrival in Mumbai, you will transfer to the pier and re-embark the ship.

    Programa por tierra paso a paso

    el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations beyond our control. All program details, including timings and flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Destination Services will provide a final itinerary with up-to-date details once you board the ship. Please review the final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    Day 1 - timings below are for reference only and are subject to change based on flight details once


    10:30am Disembark and transfer to Cochin Airport

    12:00pm Arrive at the Airport and complete check-in formalities, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    1:55pm Depart Cochin for Bangalore - light snack served on board

    Flight details TBA and subject to change

    3:00pm Arrive in Bangalore and proceed to the International terminal and complete check-in,

    Immigration and other formalities for your flight to Kathmandu

    A lunch box is served at the airport while in transit

    5:50pm Depart for Kathmandu -dinner served on board

    Flight details TBA and subject to change

    9:05pm Arrive in Kathmandu. You are met at immigration, assistance with visa issuance

    (1 passport photo is required) customs and transfer to your nearby hotel

    9:45pm Arrive at your hotel and check in

    Overnight at Dwarika’s Hotel or similar hotel

    Día 2

    5:30am Tea and coffee are served in the lobby before transferring to the airport

    6:00am Transfer to the domestic terminal

    6:15am Arrive, receive boarding passes and proceed to security before boarding the aircraft

    6:45am Depart on an hour’s flightseeing (weather permitting) to the Everest

    Region, featuring Mt. Everest and other legendry Himalayan peaks

    7:45am Return to Kathmandu Airport and transfer back to your hotel

    8:15am Breakfast in the Toran Restaurant

    12:00pm Transfer to Patan

    12:45pm Lunch at the Traditional Inn or similar

    2:00pm Visit Patan; its Museum, Main Square and ancient temples, private Newari House,

    Living Goddess and the Singing Bowl workshop

    3:30pm Free time for individual exploration of this World Heritage City

    4:30pm Gather and transfer to Thamel

    5:00pm Arrive and walk around with your guide

    6:00pm Depart for Kathmandu’s Main Avenue

    6:30pm Drinks and dinner at Sam’s One Tree Café or similar

    8:30pm Return to your hotel

    Overnight at Dwarika’s Hotel or similar hotel

    Día 3

    From 7:00am Breakfast in the Dwarikas Courtyard

    9:30am Proceed to visit Bhadgaon City (Bhaktapur) and later walk around its

    Durbar Square to see the Palace of 55 windows and Nyatapola temple

    1:00pm Lunch at the Chez Caroline restaurant or similar

    3:00pm Return to the hotel

    4:00pm Depart for Bodhnath Stupa

    4:15pm Arrive and visit Bodhnath Stupa

    5:15pm Visit the nearby Tibetan Monastery & Thangka Painting School, followed by time for individual exploration.

    6:00pm Depart Bodhnath for Pashupatinath temple

    6:15pm Visit Pashupatinath and witness the Aarti Ceremony (Evening Prayer


    7:00pm Return to the hotel – dinner on own at your leisure

    Overnight at Dwarika’s Hotel or similar hotel

    Day 4 - timings below are for reference only and are subject to change based on flight details once


    From 7am Breakfast in the Toran restaurant.

    10:30am Checkout and transfer to the International Airport for a flight to Mumbai - flight details TBA and subject to change

    11:00am Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through immigration and security

    1:25pm Flight departs Kathmandu – Lunch served onboard

    3:55pm Arrive Mumbai, pass through immigration & customs and transfer to the pier

    6:00pm Arrive at the pier and re-board the ship

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Days are expected to be warm and sunny and evenings pleasant. The average daytime temperatures are around 30°C or 86°F whereas the minimum temperatures are about 25°C or 77°F.

    Qué debe traer:

    Casual clothing through the trip along with comfortable walking shoes, sunglasses, hat, sunblock, swimwear and insect repellent. Early mornings and late evenings can sometimes get a bit chilly so it’s advisable to carry a light sweater or jacket for this possibility.


    Nepali Rupee: One U.S dollar is approximately Rupees 105 (subject to change). The hotel has an exchange facility


    Nepal has a 230-volt, 50-hertz cycle power supply and 2-pin cylindrical sockets and plugs.

    However, the rooms are fitted with necessary adaptors

    Aircraft type (all subject to change):

    Spice Jet, Boeing 737-800 – Economy

    Nepal Airlines – Airbus 320/Boeing 757

    Flightseeing tour – ATR, Yeti Airlines, 35 seater

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights in India (as per Airline regulations):

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least 1 month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Luggage information:

    On internal flights, check-in bags are not to weigh more than 15kg (33 lbs) and the carry-ons are max of 7 kgs (15 lbs).

    Please pack items such as scissors and other sharp instruments in your check-in baggage. Liquids must be 100 ml or less in your carry on. Power banks and portable mobile chargers are not permitted in checked-in bags, they need to be kept in your carry on.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    It is essential to have a multiple entry valid Indian Visa for the trip obtained in advance.

    *Nepal visa will be issued on arrival – all guests will be required to have 1 passport photo for this Visa


    Dwarikas’ Hotel

    Battisputali Kathmandu, Nepal, P.O. Box: 459,

    Teléfono: (977-1) 4479488

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. If a similar hotel is required it will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.

    El programa incluye:

    •Accommodation for 3 nights at the Dwarika’s Hotel in Kathmandu in a Heritage deluxe room

    •All meals with lunches and dinners inclusive of house wines, beer, mineral water and sodas

    •Transfers, sightseeing and road journeys in Nepal

    •Mineral water and sodas in the vehicles

    •Economy-class flights per the itinerary – direct flights not guaranteed

    •Entrance fees and camera charges at monuments

    •Mountain flightseeing

    •Nepal visa

    •The services of a local tour manager to accompany the group from Cochin until Mumbai

    El programa no incluye:

    •Valid tourist visa for India

    •Gratuities to drivers, guides and tour manager

    • Servicios imprevistos del hotel, incluidos el minibar y el servicio a la habitación

    •Meals or beverages not indicated in the itinerary

    •Excess or overweight luggage

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. However, each program varies and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces, which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel or natural paths. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los programas por tierra durante el crucero deben comprarse hasta 60 días antes de la fecha de partida. Las cancelaciones realizadas 60 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


    El legendario Taj Mahal de Agra, una de las estructuras más famosas del mundo, cautivará sus sentidos y su corazón. Considerado el mejor ejemplo de la arquitectura mogol, el Taj Mahal es una masa brillante de mármol blanco y piedras semipreciosas ubicado en impecables terrenos parquizados. This program includes the opportunity to visit three UNESCO world heritage sites: the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort and the ancient city of Fatehpur Sikri; all of which are legacies from Mughal times.

    Nota Especial: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    DAY 1 – 17 de abril de 2024

    After disembarkation from the ship in Cochin, you will proceed to the airport for your flight to Delhi.

    Upon arrival at the Cochin airport, you will receive boarding passes and proceed through security. Su equipaje será transportado al aeropuerto en otra camioneta para realizar la facturación por anticipado. The flight is scheduled to make a stop in Pune however you will not get off the plane. Lunch will be served on your flight.

    On arrival in Delhi, transfer to your hotel for check-in.

    Dinner is included at the hotel.

    DAY 2 – 18 de abril de 2024

    After breakfast, check out and drive to Agra via the new Yamuna Expressway with vistas of India’s vast rural farming countryside.

    Agra, donde se encuentra el Taj Mahal, fue una de las grandes ciudades del sur de Asia. Con la llegada de los mogoles en 1526, dirigidos por Babur, Agra ingresó en una era completamente diferente durante los reinos de los emperadores Akbar, Jehangir y Shah Jahan. Akbar la convirtió en un gran centro de educación, arte, comercio y cultura. Sus bazares cosmopolitas y su ubicación estratégica a orillas del río Yamuna la convirtieron en un importante centro para el imperio.

    Upon arrival in Agra check-in to your hotel.

    After lunch visit the Taj Mahal for sunset. With its incredible lacy white grandeur, it is perhaps the most perfect architectural monument in the world. En memoria de su esposa, el gran emperador mogol Shah Jehan planificó este extravagante e incomparable monumento construido por amor. Although amazingly graceful from any angle, it is the close-up detail, which is really astounding. Al atardecer, el monumento parece cambiar de color por el brillo de la puesta del sol.

    Aviso: Guests are able to walk around the grounds and go into the Mausoleum itself if you wish.

    Back at your hotel, and after some time to freshen up, enjoy the classical dance form of Kathak in the ballroom. Después del espectáculo de baile, se servirá una cena tipo bufé.

    Day 3 – 19 de abril de 2024

    The Taj Mahal is closed on Fridays however, enjoy tea, coffee, juices and rolls in the lobby before departing for the Mehtab Bagh (Moonlight Garden) where you will be able to view the Taj Mahal at sunrise.

    After commissioning the Taj Mahal, the Emperor Shah Jehan was looking for a spot to enjoy the monument or tomb in its entirety. So, he went across the river and built an elaborate garden complemented by fountains and amphitheaters. He called it the Mehtab Bagh or the “Moonlight Garden” as it offered him stunning views of the Taj Mahal with reflections across the river on full moon nights.

    Return to your hotel for breakfast.

    Morning options following breakfast:

    •Drive an hour into the Indian countryside to visit Fatehpur Sikri, the red sandstone former capital of the Mughal empire. La ciudad existió de 1571 a 1585 d.C. y luego se convirtió en un pueblo fantasma abandonado, posiblemente por la complejidad del sistema de suministro de agua.

    •Visit the Agra Fort, a World Heritage Site credited to Emperor Akbar, India’s great visionary. Sus hijos y herederos hicieron su aporte a esta imponente estructura ubicada a orillas del río Yamuna. The astonishing palaces, mosques and audience halls contained within its massive walls of red sandstone became once more a monumental mission of the Mughal Empire embellished by the artistic fusion of Islamic and Hindu tradition

    Afternoon Options following lunch:

    •Visit the Agra Fort as described above

    •Visit the Tomb of Itmad-Ud-Daulah in the old city, the first Mughal structure pioneering the extensive use

    of `pietra dura’, the inlay work of marble, so characteristic of the Taj Mahal. Este mausoleo es pequeño y bajo si se lo compara con el Taj Mahal, pero sus dimensiones más humanas tienen un encanto especial y la superficie de la tumba hábilmente dibujada es francamente magnífica.

    •At the hotel, Agra’s leading astrologer will be available for consultation. Appointments for an analysis of your personal horoscope can be made at the Regent Seven Seas Hospitality desk

    •Take a look at some of Agra’s famous shopping. Kohinoor, erstwhile jewelers to the Mughal court, featured in National Geographic. Old emerald necklaces, enamel, jewelry, silver, pocket watches in Gold and silver, textiles and embroidery form part of their private collection. The Marble Inlay factories steeped in this decorative art culture are also a specialty of Agra.

    Return to your hotel where dinner will be served

    Day 4 – 20 de abril de 2024

    Early this morning, return to Delhi for a flight to Mumbai. Tea, coffee, juices and rolls will be served in the lobby prior to departure.

    At the airport, collect boarding passes and proceed through security and then onto the plane for the flight to Mumbai. A packed lunch is served at the airport and snacks are served on the flight.

    Upon arrival in Mumbai, transfer to the pier to rejoin your ship.

    A separate van will be provided for transportation of your luggage to the pier

    Programa terrestre paso a paso:

    Aviso: el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Los vuelos directos nunca están garantizados. El equipo de Servicios en Destino le proporcionará los itinerarios finales con los detalles más actualizados una vez que usted esté a bordo del barco. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    Día 1

    10:30am After immigrations and custom formalities, disembark and transfer to Cochin airport

    12:00pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security. Lunch box is served at Cochin airport

    1:50pm Flight to Delhi via Pune (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    6:15pm Arrive Delhi and transfer to your hotel

    7:00pm Arrive at the hotel and check-in

    From 7:30pm Dinner at the hotel

    Overnight at the JW Marriott Delhi or similar hotel

    Día 2

    7:00am Breakfast at your hotel

    8:30am Depart on the drive to Agra

    12:30pm Arrive in Agra and check-in to your hotel

    From 1pm Lunch and leisure time

    4:00pm Visit the Taj Mahal for a sunset experience

    7:00pm Classical Kathak dance performance

    From 7:30pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at ITC Mughal or similar hotel

    Día 3

    5:00am Tea, coffee, juices and rolls served in the lobby

    5:30am Depart for the Mehtab Bagh to view the Taj Mahal at sunrise

    5:45am Arrive and enjoy the views

    From 7:00am Breakfast at your hotel

    Opciones por la mañana

    1. 8:30am – 12:30pm Visit Fatehpur Sikri

    2. 09:00-11:30am Visit Agra Fort

    12:00 – 2:00pm Lunch at the hotel

    Opciones vespertinas

    1. 2:30pm – 5:30pm Visit Agra Fort.

    2. 14:30-17:30 Visit Itmad-Ud-Daulah.

    3. 2:30pm – 5:30pm Shuttles to local market and inlay factories

    4. 14:30–5:30pm Appointment with the local astrologer at the hotel

    From 7:30pm Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at The ITC Mughal or similar hotel

    Día 4

    5:30am Breakfast at the hotel

    7:00am Drive back to Delhi

    11:00am Arrive at the Delhi airport and check in

    Packed lunch is served at the airport

    12:50pm Flight to Mumbai (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    Snacks are served aloft

    3:00pm Arrive Mumbai and transfer to the pier

    5:00pm Arrive at the pier and reboard the ship

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Days are sunny and comfortable with temperatures between 30 to 35°C (86 to 95°F).

    The evenings will be cooler.

    Qué debe traer:

    Vestimenta informal durante el día. Also, important is sun block, hat, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. Dado que el Taj Mahal también es un mausoleo, hay ciertas costumbres religiosas que deben seguirse. Como señal de respeto, se acostumbra quitarse el calzado antes de entrar. Avoid tops with spaghetti straps and short shorts for ladies – knee length shorts are okay for ladies and gents.


    Indian Rupees. US Dollars are widely accepted


    220 – 240 volts. Hotel rooms are equipped with converters however we recommend you bring your own travel adaptors for electric devices as a backup.


    Light luggage would be most suited for this trip. A maximum of 1 suitcase is permitted per person and one carry-on. Suitcases are not to weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) per airline regulations. Any luggage exceeding this amount will be subject to fees payable by the guest directly to the airline at the time of check-in.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights in India (as per Airline regulations):

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least 1 month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Guests brining a scooter will need to advise our Reservations team in advance. Specific details regarding the scooter will be required (as advised to us by the Indian airlines) including model, model number, a photo, maximum speed, ground clearance, turning radius, overall length & width of the base, seat type, weight, battery weight, battery requirements, maximum range per charge, battery charger information, battery type (detachable or not), maximum weight capacity, color.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    It is essential to have a valid Indian Visa in advance of this trip.

    Guests must bring their passport with them

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time will result in denial of travel and guests will have to pay for any expenses incurred in order to not proceed with the program.


    JW Marriott Hotel New Delhi Aerocity

    Asset Area 4 – Hospitality District, Delhi Aerocity, New Delhi – 110037

    Teléfono: (+91 11) 4521 2121


    ITC Mughal

    Tajganj, Agra, Uttar Pradesh - 282001

    Teléfono: +91 562 4021700

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. Si se requieren hoteles similares, tendrán la misma clasificación y estándares; y le notificaremos acerca del cambio. Si no se le notifican cambios antes de la salida, se alojará en los hoteles que figuran en este programa.

    El programa incluye:

    •1 night at the JW Marriott in Delhi or similar hotel – Deluxe room

    •2 nights at the ITC Mughal - Mughal Chamber Room

    •Transfers, sightseeing and road journeys using air-conditioned deluxe coaches

    •Unlimited mineral water will be provided in the bus

    •All meals inclusive of house wines, beer, mineral water, sodas and current taxes

    •Economy class flights from Cochin to Delhi via Pune and from Delhi to Mumbai - Direct flights are not guaranteed

    •Entrance fees and camera and video charges at the Taj Mahal monument

    •Tours per the itinerary

    •Kathak dance performance

    •Local fortuneteller

    •The services of an accompanying Tour Manager from Cochin until Mumbai

    No incluye:

    •Any meals or beverages not listed in the itinerary

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    •Visa fees

    •Excess or overweight luggage fees on flights

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los programas por tierra durante el crucero deben comprarse hasta 60 días antes de la fecha de partida. Las cancelaciones realizadas 60 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


    El legendario Taj Mahal de Agra, una de las estructuras más famosas del mundo, cautivará sus sentidos y su corazón. Considerado el mejor ejemplo de la arquitectura mogol, el Taj Mahal es una masa brillante de mármol blanco y piedras semipreciosas ubicado en impecables terrenos parquizados. This program includes the opportunity to visit two UNESCO world heritage sites: the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort both of which are legacies from Mughal times.

    Nota Especial: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC), CPAP breathing machines or scooters should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour. The program is manageable for guests with mobility restrictions as long as they are travelling with someone to assist. Guests must be able to get on and off the tour coaches with little to no assistance. There will be various steps to negotiate at the hotel and sites visited (2-30 steps). Only the base of the Taj Mahal mausoleum is accessible to wheelchairs.

    DAY 1 – 17 de abril de 2026

    After disembarking the ship in Cochin, you will proceed to the airport for your flight to Delhi. A lunch box will be served at the Cochin Airport and light refreshments will be served during the flight.

    Upon arrival in Delhi, collect luggage and then proceed to your overnight hotel. Check in and enjoy dinner at the hotel before retiring for the evening.

    DAY 2 – 18 de abril de 2026

    After an early breakfast, transfer with your guide to the Delhi Railway Station for a day trip to Agra city and the Taj Mahal. India’s rail network is the second largest system in the world, carrying millions daily. Sit back and enjoy what will surely become quite the memorable experience on the Gatimaan Express.

    Agra, donde se encuentra el Taj Mahal, fue una de las grandes ciudades del sur de Asia. Con la llegada de los mogoles en 1526, dirigidos por Babur, Agra ingresó en una era completamente diferente durante los reinos de los emperadores Akbar, Jehangir y Shah Jahan. Akbar la convirtió en un gran centro de educación, arte, comercio y cultura. Sus bazares cosmopolitas y su ubicación estratégica a orillas del río Yamuna la convirtieron en un importante centro para el imperio.

    Arriving in Agra, check-in to the ITC Mughal Hotel to freshen up before the short drive to view the Taj Mahal.

    With its incredible lacy white grandeur, it is perhaps the most perfect architectural monument in the world. En memoria de su esposa, el gran emperador mogol Shah Jehan planificó este extravagante e incomparable monumento construido por amor. Although amazingly graceful from any angle, it is the close-up detail, which is really astounding.

    Return to your hotel for lunch before departing for a visit to Agra Fort, a World Heritage Site credited to Emperor Akbar, India’s great visionary. Sus hijos y herederos hicieron su aporte a esta imponente estructura ubicada a orillas del río Yamuna. The astonishing palaces, mosques and audience halls contained within its massive walls of red sandstone became once more a monumental mission of the Mughal Empire embellished by the artistic fusion of Islamic and Hindu tradition

    You will also have some time to browse shops such as Kohinoor, erstwhile jewelers to the Mughal court, featured in National Geographic. Old emerald necklaces, enamel, jewelry, silver, pocket watches in Gold and silver, textiles and embroidery form part of their private collection. The Marble Inlay factories steeped in this decorative art culture are also a specialty of Agra.

    Later in the day, return to the railway station for the return journey to Delhi on the Gatimaan Express.

    Transfer to your hotel for dinner and overnight.

    DAY 3 – 19 de abril de 2026

    After breakfast, return to the airport for a flight to Goa. Light refreshments will be served on the flight.

    Upon arrival in Goa, transfer to the pier where you will re-board the ship.

    Programa terrestre paso a paso:

    Aviso: el orden de los sitios visitados puede variar para evitar que se llenen demasiado. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Los vuelos directos nunca están garantizados. El equipo de Servicios en Destino le proporcionará los itinerarios finales con los detalles más actualizados una vez que usted esté a bordo del barco. Revise detenidamente el itinerario final para ver si hay más modificaciones.

    Día 1

    Eat a hearty breakfast/brunch before disembarking the ship

    12:00pm Disembark, clear immigration and customs and transfer to the airport

    1:45pm Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    Lunch box served at Cochin airport

    3:20pm Flight from Cochin to Delhi (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    Refreshments served aloft

    6:50pm Flight arrives in Delhi, collect luggage and transfer to your hotel

    8:30pm Arrive, dinner and check-in

    Overnight at the LaLit Delhi or similar hotel

    Día 2

    From 6am Breakfast at the hotel

    7:00am Depart for the railway station

    7:30am Board the Gatimaan Express

    8:10am Train departs Delhi for Agra (subject to change)

    9:50am Arrive Agra and transfer to your hotel to freshen up

    10:30am Drive to the Taj Mahal

    10:45am Arrive at the Taj Mahal for a comprehensive visit

    12:45pm Return to your hotel

    1:00-2:15pm Lunch at the hotel

    2:15pm Depart for Agra Fort

    2:30–3:30pm Arrive and visit the Fort

    3:30pm Depart for the local markets

    3:45pm Arrive and visit the markets and marble inlay factory

    4:45pm Depart for the railway station

    5:15pm Arrive at the station

    5:35pm The train departs Agra (subject to change)

    7:30pm Train arrives in Delhi, transfer to your hotel

    8:30pm Arrive at the hotel, check-in and dinner

    Overnight at the LaLit Delhi or similar hotel

    Día 3

    From 7am Breakfast at the hotel

    8:30am Transfer to the airport

    9:00am Arrive at the airport, receive boarding passes and proceed through security

    10:50am Flight from Delhi to Goa (flight details TBA and subject to change

    Refreshments served aloft

    1:25pm Arrive Goa, collect luggage and transfer to the pier

    2:30pm Arrive and re-board the ship

    Steps on tour:


    •Six steps at the entryway

    •Six steps at the mosque

    •Twenty-two steps to access the main tomb in the mausoleum

    •Wheelchair accessible only up to the base of the mausoleum (tomb not wheelchair accessible)

    Agra Fort

    •One or two easy steps plus ramps at different locations which are accessible by wheelchair

    Pronóstico del tiempo:

    Delhi and Agra: Days are sunny and hot with temperatures between 30° to 35°C (86° to 95°F). The evenings get a bit cooler between 25° to 30°C (77° to 86°F).

    Qué debe traer:

    Vestimenta informal durante el día. Also, important is sun block, hat, sunglasses and comfortable walking shoes. Dado que el Taj Mahal también es un mausoleo, hay ciertas costumbres religiosas que deben seguirse. Como señal de respeto, se acostumbra quitarse el calzado antes de entrar. Avoid tops with spaghetti straps and short shorts for ladies – knee length shorts are okay for ladies and gents.


    Power banks and electronic equipment must be carried in hand luggage, not permitted in checked luggage

    No sharp items are permitted in hand luggage i.e. scissor, nail cutter/file, razors

    Liquids more than 100 ml are not permitted in hand luggage

    Satellite phones and E-cigarettes are banned in India and need to be left on board the ship


    Indian Rupees.

    US Dollars are widely accepted


    220 – 240 volts. Hotel rooms are equipped with converters however we recommend you bring your own travel adaptors for electric devices as a backup.

    Proposed Aircraft type (subject to change):

    Air India: Airbus 319

    Indigo: Airbus 320

    Economy class seats


    Light luggage would be most suited for this trip. A maximum of 1 suitcase is permitted per person and one carry-on with a maximum of 7 kgs (15 lbs). Checked suitcases are not to weigh more than 15 kg (33 lbs) per airline regulations. Any luggage exceeding this amount will be subject to fees payable by the guest directly to the airline at the time of check-in.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights in India (as per Airline regulations):

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least 1 month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Guests brining a scooter will need to advise our Reservations team in advance. Specific details regarding the scooter will be required (as advised to us by the Indian airlines) including model, model number, a photo, maximum speed, ground clearance, turning radius, overall length & width of the base, seat type, weight, battery weight, battery requirements, maximum range per charge, battery charger information, battery type (detachable or not), maximum weight capacity, color.

    Requisitos de documentación y visa:

    It is essential to have a valid Indian Visa in advance of this trip.

    Guests must bring their passport with them

    VERY IMPORTANT – The name on your cruise booking, passport and any visas if required, must all be exactly the same for flight ticket purchase for this program otherwise guests may be denied travel by flight. Please ensure that all documents are identical in spelling to the names provided for your cruise reservation including first, middle and last name. Manifests generated by the cruise line must match your travel documents.

    Failure to have the required documents ahead of time will result in denial of travel and guests will have to pay for any expenses incurred in order to not proceed with the program.

    The above information is subject to change and serves as a guide only. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our guests that it is the ultimate and sole responsibility of the guest to ensure they meet the entry requirements for each destination.

    If traveling internationally, the countries you are flying to and/ or connecting through may have different document requirements and as such we encourage you to visit the government and airport websites of every country you will be traveling to throughout the journey to familiarize yourself with their requirements for your nationality.


    The LaLit New Delhi

    Barakhamba Avenue, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001

    Teléfono: (+91-11) 4444 7777

    * Solo ofrecemos hoteles diferentes en situaciones imprevistas. Si se requieren hoteles similares, tendrán la misma clasificación y estándares, y le notificaremos acerca del cambio. Si no se le notifican cambios antes de la salida, se alojará en el hotel que figura en este programa.

    El programa incluye:

    •2 nights at LaLit Delhi in Agra including breakfasts – Deluxe room

    •Transfers, sightseeing and road journeys using air-conditioned deluxe coaches

    •Unlimited mineral water will be provided in the bus

    •Lunches and dinners inclusive of house wines, beer, mineral water, sodas

    •Economy class flights per the itinerary - Direct flights are not guaranteed

    •Entrance fees and camera and video charges at the Taj Mahal monument

    •The services of an accompanying Tour Manager throughout the entire program

    No incluye:

    •Any meals or beverages not listed in the itinerary

    • Gastos personales

    • Propinas a guías y choferes

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry and room service

    •Excess or overweight luggage on the flights

    •Indian visa

    Aviso: Los programas terrestres que incluyen numerosos días en la costa incluyen actividades prolongadas y aquellos de duración más corta ofrecen, en general, actividades más moderadas. Sin embargo, cada programa varía y los huéspedes deben estar preparados para lidiar con distintas superficies, entre ellas, pendientes, adoquines, arena y senderos naturales o de grava. Es posible que haya que subir escaleras o escalones. Se les recomienda a los huéspedes que estén en silla de ruedas o que tengan problemas de movilidad que consulten con la línea de cruceros con anticipación para comprobar si alguna parte del programa de excursión no es apta según su situación particular. Ropa adecuada para el clima: se recomienda el uso de sombreros, gafas de sol y calzado bajo y cómodo.

    Todos los programas terrestres cuentan con capacidad limitada y están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los programas que no alcanzan la cantidad mínima de participantes requerida están sujetos a cancelación. Los precios publicados también están sujetos a cambios que dependen del aumento de los costos del transporte, de los servicios terrestres o de la fluctuación de la moneda.

    Después de la compra, el precio está garantizado y no está sujeto a cambios. Los programas por tierra durante el crucero deben comprarse hasta 90 días antes de la fecha de partida. Las cancelaciones realizadas 90 días o menos antes de la fecha de partida están sujetas a una multa por cancelación del 100%.


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